Patrick Fowler
Patrick Fowler
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Community violence: A meta-analysis on the effect of exposure and mental health outcomes of children and adolescents
PJ Fowler, CJ Tompsett, JM Braciszewski, AJ Jacques-Tiura, BB Baltes
Development and psychopathology 21 (1), 227-259, 2009
Pathways to and from homelessness and associated psychosocial outcomes among adolescents leaving the foster care system
PJ Fowler, PA Toro, BW Miles
American journal of public health 99 (8), 1453-1458, 2009
Homeless youth in the United States: Recent research findings and intervention approaches
PA Toro, A Dworsky, PJ Fowler
National symposium on homelessness research 6, 2, 2007
Solving homelessness from a complex systems perspective: insights for prevention responses
PJ Fowler, PS Hovmand, KE Marcal, S Das
Annual review of public health 40 (1), 465-486, 2019
Homelessness and aging out of foster care: A national comparison of child welfare-involved adolescents
PJ Fowler, KE Marcal, J Zhang, O Day, J Landsverk
Children and youth services review 77, 27-33, 2017
Family and housing instability: Longitudinal impact on adolescent emotional and behavioral well-being
PJ Fowler, DB Henry, KE Marcal
Social science research 53, 364-374, 2015
Emerging adulthood and leaving foster care: Settings associated with mental health
PJ Fowler, PA Toro, BW Miles
American journal of community psychology 47, 335-348, 2011
Longitudinal impact of a family critical time intervention on children in high-risk families experiencing homelessness: A randomized trial
M Shinn, J Samuels, SN Fischer, A Thompkins, PJ Fowler
American journal of community psychology 56, 205-216, 2015
Inadequate housing among families under investigation for child abuse and neglect: Prevalence from a national probability sample
PJ Fowler, DB Henry, M Schoeny, J Landsverk, D Chavira, JJ Taylor
American journal of community psychology 52, 106-114, 2013
Understanding public stigma toward substance dependence
P Janulis, JR Ferrari, P Fowler
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43 (5), 1065-1072, 2013
Residential mobility during adolescence: Do even “upward” moves predict dropout risk?
MW Metzger, PJ Fowler, CL Anderson, CA Lindsay
Social science research 53, 218-230, 2015
Allocating interventions based on predicted outcomes: A case study on homelessness services
A Kube, S Das, PJ Fowler
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 622-629, 2019
Developmental timing of housing mobility: Longitudinal effects on externalizing behaviors among at-risk youth
PJ Fowler, DB Henry, M Schoeny, J Taylor, D Chavira
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 53 (2), 199-208, 2014
Community violence and externalizing problems: Moderating effects of race and religiosity in emerging adulthood
PJ Fowler, SR Ahmed, CJ Tompsett, DMH Jozefowicz‐Simbeni, PA Toro
Journal of Community Psychology 36 (7), 835-850, 2008
Housing mobility and cognitive development: Change in verbal and nonverbal abilities
PJ Fowler, LM McGrath, DB Henry, M Schoeny, D Chavira, JJ Taylor, ...
Child abuse & neglect 48, 104-118, 2015
Exposure to community violence and the trajectory of internalizing and externalizing symptoms in a sample of low-income urban youth
JJ Taylor, KE Grant, CA Zulauf, PJ Fowler, DA Meyerson, S Irsheid
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 47 (3), 421-435, 2018
Age differences among homeless individuals: adolescence through adulthood
CJ Tompsett, PJ Fowler, PA Toro
Journal of prevention & intervention in the community 37 (2), 86-99, 2009
Time-limited case management for homeless mothers with mental health problems: Effects on maternal mental health
J Samuels, PJ Fowler, A Ault-Brutus, DI Tang, K Marcal
Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research 6 (4), 515-539, 2015
Family, public and private religiousness and psychological well-being over time in at-risk adolescents
SR Ahmed, PJ Fowler, PA Toro
Mental Health, Religion & Culture 14 (4), 393-408, 2011
Capability traps impeding homeless services: A community-based system dynamics evaluation
PJ Fowler, K Wright, KE Marcal, E Ballard, PS Hovmand
Journal of social service research 45 (3), 348-359, 2019
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Articles 1–20