Peter Hoonakker
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Cited by
SEIPS 2.0: a human factors framework for studying and improving the work of healthcare professionals and patients
RJ Holden, P Carayon, AP Gurses, P Hoonakker, AS Hundt, AA Ozok, ...
Ergonomics 56 (11), 1669-1686, 2013
Human factors systems approach to healthcare quality and patient safety
P Carayon, TB Wetterneck, AJ Rivera-Rodriguez, AS Hundt, P Hoonakker, ...
Applied ergonomics 45 (1), 14-25, 2014
Measuring workload of ICU nurses with a questionnaire survey: the NASA Task Load Index (TLX)
P Hoonakker, P Carayon, AP Gurses, R Brown, A Khunlertkit, K McGuire, ...
IIE transactions on healthcare systems engineering 1 (2), 131-143, 2011
SEIPS 3.0: Human-centered design of the patient journey for patient safety
P Carayon, A Wooldridge, P Hoonakker, AS Hundt, MM Kelly
Applied ergonomics 84, 103033, 2020
Questionnaire survey nonresponse: A comparison of postal mail and Internet surveys
P Hoonakker, P Carayon
Intl. Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 25 (5), 348-373, 2009
Work engagement and burnout: Testing the robustness of the Job Demands-Resources model
C Korunka, B Kubicek, WB Schaufeli, P Hoonakker
The Journal of Positive Psychology 4 (3), 243-255, 2009
Barriers and benefits of quality management in the construction industry: An empirical study
P Hoonakker, P Carayon, T Loushine
Total quality management 21 (9), 953-969, 2010
Quality of working life and turnover intention in information technology work
C Korunka, P Hoonakker, P Carayon
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 18 (4 …, 2008
Job characteristics as mediators in SES–health relationships
JR Warren, P Hoonakker, P Carayon, J Brand
Social science & medicine 59 (7), 1367-1378, 2004
Interventions to prevent injuries in construction workers
HF van der Molen, P Basnet, PLT Hoonakker, MM Lehtola, J Lappalainen, ...
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2018
Work and family characteristics as predictors of early retirement in married men and women
B Kubicek, C Korunka, P Hoonakker, JM Raymo
Research on aging 32 (4), 467-498, 2010
Impact of electronic health record technology on the work and workflow of physicians in the intensive care unit
P Carayon, TB Wetterneck, B Alyousef, RL Brown, RS Cartmill, K McGuire, ...
International journal of medical informatics 84 (8), 578-594, 2015
The effectiveness of interventions for preventing injuries in the construction industry: a systematic review
MM Lehtola, HF van der Molen, J Lappalainen, PLT Hoonakker, H Hsiao, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 35 (1), 77-85, 2008
Human factors and usability for health information technology: old and new challenges
P Carayon, P Hoonakker
Yearbook of medical informatics 28 (01), 071-077, 2019
Quality and safety management in construction
TW Loushine, PLT Hoonakker, P Carayon, MJ Smith
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence 17 (9), 1171-1212, 2006
ICU nurses' acceptance of electronic health records
P Carayon, R Cartmill, MA Blosky, R Brown, M Hackenberg, P Hoonakker, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (6), 812-819, 2011
Factors contributing to an increase in duplicate medication order errors after CPOE implementation
TB Wetterneck, JM Walker, MA Blosky, RS Cartmill, P Hoonakker, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (6), 774-782, 2011
Psychological well-being in retirement: The effects of personal and gendered contextual resources.
B Kubicek, C Korunka, JM Raymo, P Hoonakker
Journal of occupational health psychology 16 (2), 230, 2011
Using an inpatient portal to engage families in pediatric hospital care
MM Kelly, PLT Hoonakker, SM Dean
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 24 (1), 153-161, 2017
Customer orientation among employees in public administration: A transnational, longitudinal study
C Korunka, D Scharitzer, P Carayon, P Hoonakker, A Sonnek, F Sainfort
Applied ergonomics 38 (3), 307-315, 2007
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Articles 1–20