Articles with public access mandates - Daniel R. SchmidtLearn more
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Approximating earliest arrival flows in arbitrary networks
M Groß, JPW Kappmeier, DR Schmidt, M Schmidt
European Symposium on Algorithms, 551-562, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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On the use of network flow techniques for assigning evacuees to exits
D Dressler, M Groß, JP Kappmeier, T Kelter, J Kulbatzki, D Plümpe, ...
Procedia Engineering 3, 205-215, 2010
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Single-commodity robust network design with finite and hose demand sets
V Cacchiani, M Jünger, F Liers, A Lodi, DR Schmidt
Mathematical Programming 157 (1), 297-342, 2016
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Single-commodity robust network design problem: Complexity, instances and heuristic solutions
E Álvarez-Miranda, V Cacchiani, A Lodi, T Parriani, DR Schmidt
European Journal of Operational Research 238 (3), 711-723, 2014
Mandates: Government of Italy
Models and algorithms for robust network design with several traffic scenarios
E Álvarez-Miranda, V Cacchiani, T Dorneth, M Jünger, F Liers, A Lodi, ...
International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, 261-272, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Anonymization via clustering of locations in road networks
JH Haunert, D Schmidt, M Schmidt
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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