Francisco J. Arriaga
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Cited by
Soil physical properties and crop productivity of an eroded soil amended with cattle manure
FJ Arriaga, B Lowery
Soil science 168 (12), 888-899, 2003
A fast method for determining soil particle size distribution using a laser instrument
FJ Arriaga, B Lowery, MD Mays
Soil Science 171 (9), 663-674, 2006
Soil health indicators impacted by long-term cattle manure and inorganic fertilizer application in a corn-soybean rotation of South Dakota
E Ozlu, SS Sandhu, S Kumar, FJ Arriaga
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-11, 2019
Climate-induced reduction in US-wide soybean yields underpinned by region-and in-season-specific responses
S Mourtzinis, JE Specht, LE Lindsey, WJ Wiebold, J Ross, ED Nafziger, ...
Nature plants 1 (2), 1-4, 2015
New roller crimper concepts for mechanical termination of cover crops in conservation agriculture
TS Kornecki, AJ Price, RL Raper, FJ Arriaga
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 24 (3), 165-173, 2009
Nutrient removal as a function of corn stover cutting height and cob harvest
JMF Johnson, WW Wilhelm, DL Karlen, DW Archer, B Wienhold, ...
BioEnergy Research 3 (4), 342-352, 2010
Biomass sorghum production and components under different irrigation/tillage systems for the southeastern US
AC Rocateli, RL Raper, KS Balkcom, FJ Arriaga, DI Bransby
Industrial Crops and Products 36 (1), 589-598, 2012
Vertical distribution of corn stover dry mass grown at several US locations
WW Wilhelm, JMF Johnson, DT Lightle, DL Karlen, JM Novak, ...
BioEnergy Research 4 (1), 11-21, 2011
Effect of cover crop extracts on cotton and radish radicle elongation
AJ Price, ME Stoll, JS Bergtold, FJ Arriaga, KS Balkcom, TS Kornecki, ...
Conventional agricultural production systems and soil functions
FJ Arriaga, J Guzman, B Lowery
Soil health and intensification of agroecosytems, 109-125, 2017
Conservation systems to enhance soil carbon sequestration in the Southeast US Coastal Plain
KS Balkcom, FJ Arriaga, E Van Santen
Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (5), 1774-1783, 2013
Conventional and glyphosate-resistant maize yields across plant densities in single-and twin-row configurations
KS Balkcom, JL Satterwhite, FJ Arriaga, AJ Price, E Van Santen
Field Crops Research 120 (3), 330-337, 2011
Does cover crop radish supply nitrogen to corn?
MD Ruark, MM Chawner, MJ Ballweg, RT Proost, FJ Arriaga, JK Stute
Agronomy Journal 110 (4), 1513-1522, 2018
Identifying field attributes that predict soybean yield using random forest analysis
ER Smidt, SP Conley, J Zhu, FJ Arriaga
Agronomy Journal 108 (2), 637-646, 2016
Quantifying the impact of seasonal and short‐term manure application decisions on phosphorus loss in surface runoff
PA Vadas, LW Good, WE Jokela, KG Karthikeyan, FJ Arriaga, M Stock
Journal of environmental quality 46 (6), 1395-1402, 2017
Surfactant impact on nitrogen utilization and leaching in potatoes
FJ Arriaga, B Lowery, KA Kelling
American Journal of Potato Research 86 (5), 383-390, 2009
Corn grain and stover yield prediction at R1 growth stage
S Mourtzinis, FJ Arriaga, KS Balkcom, BV Ortiz
Agronomy journal 105 (4), 1045-1050, 2013
Increasing labile soil carbon and nitrogen fractions require a change in system, rather than practice
KM Diederich, MD Ruark, K Krishnan, FJ Arriaga, EM Silva
Soil Science Society of America Journal 83 (6), 1733-1745, 2019
A method for automating data collection from a double‐ring infiltrometer under falling head conditions
FJ Arriaga, TS Kornecki, KS Balkcom, RL Raper
Soil Use and Management 26 (1), 61-67, 2010
Automation of a falling head permeameter for rapid determination of hydraulic conductivity of multiple samples
DO Johnson, FJ Arriaga, B Lowery
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (3), 828-833, 2005
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Articles 1–20