Velamuri, S. Ramakrishna
Velamuri, S. Ramakrishna
Mahindra University
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Business model innovation through trial-and-error learning: The Naturhouse case
M Sosna, RN Trevinyo-Rodríguez, SR Velamuri
Long range planning 43 (2-3), 383-407, 2010
Three views of entrepreneurial opportunity
SD Sarasvathy, N Dew, SR Velamuri, S Venkataraman
Handbook of entrepreneurship research, 77-96, 2010
A new approach to CSR: Company stakeholder responsibility
RE Freeman, SR Velamuri
R. Edward Freeman’s Selected Works on Stakeholder Theory and Business Ethics …, 2023
Dispersed knowledge and an entrepreneurial theory of the firm
N Dew, SR Velamuri, S Venkataraman
Journal of business venturing 19 (5), 659-679, 2004
Parental entrepreneurial role model influence on male offspring: Is it always positive and when does it occur?
E Mungai, SR Velamuri
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 35 (2), 337-357, 2011
Company stakeholder responsibility: A new approach to CSR
RE Freeman, SR Velamuri, B Moriarty
Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics 19 (2), 15-36, 2006
The design of member review: Showing what to organization members and why
K Locke, S Ramakrishna Velamuri
Organizational Research Methods 12 (3), 488-509, 2009
States, power, legitimacy, and maintaining institutional control: The battle for private sector telecommunication services in Zimbabwe
JD Goodstein, SR Velamuri
Organization Studies 30 (5), 489-508, 2009
Why stakeholder and stockholder theories are not necessarily contradictory: A Knightian insight
SR Velamuri, S Venkataraman
Journal of Business Ethics 61, 249-262, 2005
Contextualizing the sharing economy
G Bai, SR Velamuri
Journal of Management Studies 58 (4), 977-1001, 2021
Entrepreneurship in emerging regions around the world: Theory, evidence and implications
PHC Phan, S Venkataraman, SR Velamuri
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008
Entrepreneurship, altruism, and the good society
SR Velamuri
The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 3, 125-142, 2002
Seizing the ethical high ground: Ethical reputation building in corrupt environments
S Ramakrishna Velamuri, S Venkataraman, WS Harvey
Journal of Management Studies 54 (5), 647-675, 2017
Creating values through corporate venture capital programs: The choice between internal and external fund structures
P Asel, HD Park, SR Velamuri
The Journal of Private Equity, 63-72, 2015
Institutional complexity and the strategic behaviors of SMEs in transitional environments
Y Ding, V Malleret, SR Velamuri
International Journal of Emerging Markets 11 (4), 514-532, 2016
Ownership structure, insider behavior, and IPO performance of SMEs in China
SR Velamuri, W Liu
Small Business Economics 48, 771-793, 2017
Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility: A New Approach to CSR
FR Edward, SR Velamuri, B Moriarty
Business Roundtable Institute for Corporate Ethics 77, 2006
Doing well to do good: Business model innovation for social healthcare
SR Velamuri, P Anant, V Kumar
Business models and modelling, 279-308, 2015
The potential for management development in NGO‐private sector partnerships
A Borwankar, S Ramakrishna Velamuri
Journal of Management Development 28 (4), 326-343, 2009
A testable typology of entrepreneurial opportunity: Extensions of Shane and Venkataraman (2000)
SD Sarasvathy, N Dew, SR Velamuri
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