Junming Guo
Junming Guo
Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS
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Linking atmospheric pollution to cryospheric change in the Third Pole region: current progress and future prospects
S Kang, Q Zhang, Y Qian, Z Ji, C Li, Z Cong, Y Zhang, J Guo, W Du, ...
National Science Review 6 (4), 796-809, 2019
Atmospheric mercury depositional chronology reconstructed from lake sediments and ice core in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau
S Kang, J Huang, F Wang, Q Zhang, Y Zhang, C Li, L Wang, P Chen, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (6), 2859-2869, 2016
Organic molecular tracers in the atmospheric aerosols from Lumbini, Nepal, in the northern Indo-Gangetic Plain: influence of biomass burning
X Wan, S Kang, Q Li, D Rupakheti, Q Zhang, J Guo, P Chen, L Tripathee, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (14), 8867-8885, 2017
Concentrations of trace elements in wet deposition over the central Himalayas, Nepal
L Tripathee, S Kang, J Huang, CM Sharma, M Sillanpää, J Guo, ...
Atmospheric environment 95, 231-238, 2014
Wet deposition of mercury at a remote site in the Tibetan Plateau: concentrations, speciation, and fluxes
J Huang, S Kang, Q Zhang, H Yan, J Guo, MG Jenkins, G Zhang, K Wang
Atmospheric environment 62, 540-550, 2012
Modulation of snow reflectance and snowmelt from Central Asian glaciers by anthropogenic black carbon
J Schmale, M Flanner, S Kang, M Sprenger, Q Zhang, J Guo, Y Li, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 40501, 2017
Microplastic characteristic in the soil across the Tibetan Plateau
L Yang, S Kang, Z Wang, X Luo, J Guo, T Gao, P Chen, C Yang, Y Zhang
Science of the Total Environment 828, 154518, 2022
Ionic composition of wet precipitation over the southern slope of central Himalayas, Nepal
L Tripathee, S Kang, J Huang, M Sillanpää, CM Sharma, ZL Lüthi, J Guo, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 2677-2687, 2014
Increases of total mercury and methylmercury releases from municipal sewage into environment in China and implications
M Liu, P Du, C Yu, Y He, H Zhang, X Sun, H Lin, Y Luo, H Xie, J Guo, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (1), 124-134, 2018
Carbonaceous aerosol characteristics on the Third Pole: A primary study based on the Atmospheric Pollution and Cryospheric Change (APCC) network
P Chen, S Kang, C Li, Q Zhang, J Guo, L Tripathee, Y Zhang, G Li, C Gul, ...
Environmental Pollution 253, 49-60, 2019
Wet deposition of mercury at Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet
J Huang, S Kang, S Wang, L Wang, Q Zhang, J Guo, K Wang, G Zhang, ...
Science of the total environment 447, 123-132, 2013
Atmospheric deposition of trace elements recorded in snow from the Mt. Nyainqêntanglha region, southern Tibetan Plateau
J Huang, S Kang, Q Zhang, J Guo, P Chen, G Zhang, L Tripathee
Chemosphere 92 (8), 871-881, 2013
The role of melting alpine glaciers in mercury export and transport: An intensive sampling campaign in the Qugaqie Basin, inland Tibetan Plateau
X Sun, K Wang, S Kang, J Guo, G Zhang, J Huang, Z Cong, S Sun, ...
Environmental pollution 220, 936-945, 2017
Characterizations of wet mercury deposition on a remote high-elevation site in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau
J Huang, S Kang, Q Zhang, J Guo, M Sillanpää, Y Wang, S Sun, X Sun, ...
Environmental Pollution 206, 518-526, 2015
River water quality across the Himalayan regions: elemental concentrations in headwaters of Yarlung Tsangbo, Indus and Ganges River
Y Zhang, M Sillanpää, C Li, J Guo, B Qu, S Kang
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 4151-4163, 2015
Seasonal variations of trace elements in precipitation at the largest city in Tibet, Lhasa
J Guo, S Kang, J Huang, Q Zhang, L Tripathee, M Sillanpää
Atmospheric Research 153, 87-97, 2015
Permafrost degradation enhances the risk of mercury release on Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
C Mu, PF Schuster, BW Abbott, S Kang, J Guo, S Sun, Q Wu, T Zhang
Science of the Total Environment 708, 135127, 2020
Long-range transport of atmospheric microplastics deposited onto glacier in southeast Tibetan Plateau
Z Wang, Y Zhang, S Kang, L Yang, X Luo, P Chen, J Guo, Z Hu, C Yang, ...
Environmental Pollution 306, 119415, 2022
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from the Central-Himalaya region: Distribution, sources, and risks to humans and wildlife
X Bi, W Luo, J Gao, L Xu, J Guo, Q Zhang, KY Romesh, JP Giesy, S Kang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 556, 12-22, 2016
Spatial distribution and magnification processes of mercury in snow from high-elevation glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau
J Huang, S Kang, Q Zhang, MG Jenkins, J Guo, G Zhang, K Wang
Atmospheric Environment 46, 140-146, 2012
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