Qiao-Li Dong
Qiao-Li Dong
Professor, Civil Aviation University of China
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Inertial projection and contraction algorithms for variational inequalities
QL Dong, YJ Cho, LL Zhong, TM Rassias
Journal of Global Optimization 70, 687-704, 2018
Modified inertial Mann algorithm and inertial CQ-algorithm for nonexpansive mappings
QL Dong, HB Yuan, YJ Cho, TM Rassias
Optimization Letters 12, 87-102, 2018
The extragradient algorithm with inertial effects for solving the variational inequality
QL Dong, YY Lu, J Yang
Optimization 65 (12), 2217-2226, 2016
Single projection method for pseudo-monotone variational inequality in Hilbert spaces
Y Shehu, QL Dong, D Jiang
Optimization 68 (1), 385-409, 2019
A strong convergence result involving an inertial forward–backward algorithm for monotone inclusions
Q Dong, D Jiang, P Cholamjiak, Y Shehu
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 19, 3097-3118, 2017
Solving the split equality problem without prior knowledge of operator norms
QL Dong, S He, J Zhao
Optimization 64 (9), 1887-1906, 2015
A modified subgradient extragradient method for solving the variational inequality problem
QL Dong, D Jiang, A Gibali
Numerical Algorithms 79, 927-940, 2018
MiKM: multi-step inertial Krasnosel’skiǐ–Mann algorithm and its applications
QL Dong, JZ Huang, XH Li, YJ Cho, TM Rassias
Journal of Global Optimization 73, 801-824, 2019
“Optimal” choice of the step length of the projection and contraction methods for solving the split feasibility problem
QL Dong, YC Tang, YJ Cho, TM Rassias
Journal of Global Optimization 71, 341-360, 2018
An efficient projection-type method for monotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces
Y Shehu, XH Li, QL Dong
Numerical Algorithms 84, 365-388, 2020
A method with inertial extrapolation step for split monotone inclusion problems
Y Yao, Y Shehu, XH Li, QL Dong
Optimization 70 (4), 741-761, 2021
Alternated inertial projection methods for the split equality problem
QL Dong, Y Peng, Y Yao
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 22 (1), 53-67, 2021
New algorithms and convergence theorems for solving variational inequalities with non-Lipschitz mappings
S Reich, DV Thong, QL Dong, XH Li, VT Dung
Numerical Algorithms 87, 527-549, 2021
Inertial relaxed CQ algorithms for solving a split feasibility problem in Hilbert spaces
DR Sahu, YJ Cho, QL Dong, MR Kashyap, XH Li
Numerical Algorithms 87, 1075-1095, 2021
Multiscale asymptotic expansions and numerical algorithms for the wave equations of second order with rapidly oscillating coefficients
QL Dong, LQ Cao
Applied numerical mathematics 59 (12), 3008-3032, 2009
General inertial Mann algorithms and their convergence analysis for nonexpansive mappings
QL Dong, YJ Cho, TM Rassias
Applications of nonlinear analysis, 175-191, 2018
A new hybrid algorithm and its numerical realization for two nonexpansive mappings
QL Dong, S He, YJ Cho
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2015, 1-12, 2015
Self-adaptive projection and contraction methods with alternated inertial terms for solving the split feasibility problem
QL Dong, L Liu, Y Yao
Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 23 (3), 591-605, 2022
Strong convergence of extragradient methods for solving bilevel pseudo-monotone variational inequality problems
DV Thong, NA Triet, XH Li, QL Dong
Numerical Algorithms 83, 1123-1143, 2020
The projection and contraction methods for finding common solutions to variational inequality problems
QL Dong, YJ Cho, TM Rassias
Optimization Letters 12, 1871-1896, 2018
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Articles 1–20