Stefan Cular
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Cited by
Flow induced by acoustic streaming on surface-acoustic-wave devices and its application in biofouling removal: A computational study and comparisons to experiment
SKRS Sankaranarayanan, S Cular, VR Bhethanabotla, B Joseph
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 77 (6 …, 2008
Removal of nonspecifically bound proteins on microarrays using surface acoustic waves
S Cular, DW Branch, VR Bhethanabotla, GD Meyer, HG Craighead
IEEE Sensors journal 8 (3), 314-320, 2008
Enhancing effects of microcavities on shear-horizontal surface acoustic wave sensors: A finite element simulation study
S Cular, SKRS Sankaranarayanan, VR Bhethanabotla
Applied Physics Letters 92 (24), 2008
Simultaneous sample manipulation and sensing using surface acoustic waves
S Cular, VR Bhethanabotla, DW Branch
US Patent 7,878,063, 2011
Nanomaterial sensing layer based surface acoustic wave hydrogen sensors
K Srinivasan
Implementation of a graphene quantum Hall Kelvin bridge-on-a-chip for resistance calibrations
M Marzano, M Kruskopf, AR Panna, AF Rigosi, DK Patel, H Jin, S Cular, ...
Metrologia 57 (1), 015007, 2020
Acoustically determined linear piezoelectric response of lithium niobate up to 1100 V
N Patel, DW Branch, E Schamiloglu, S Cular
Applied Physics Letters 104 (16), 2014
Hexagonal surface acoustic wave devices for enhanced sensing and materials characterization
S Cular, VR Bhethanabotla, DW Branch
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2005
Comparative study of 0° X-cut and Y+ 36°-cut lithium niobate high-voltage sensing
N Patel, DW Branch, E Schamiloglu, S Cular
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (8), 2015
Acoustoelectric effect in hydrogen surface acoustic wave sensors with Phthalocyanine-Palladium sensing Bi-layers
W Jakubik, M Urbanczyk, S Cular, V Bhethanabotla
ECS Transactions 1 (19), 1, 2006
Simultaneous surface manipulation and sensing in a biosensor using a hexagonal saw device
S Cular, VR Bhethanabotla, DW Branch
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2006
Designs and applications of surface acoustic wave sensors for biological and chemical sensing and sample handling
S Cular
University of South Florida, 2008
Automated Leakage Current Measurement Capability for Programmable Josephson Voltage Standards
CJ Burroughs, A Rüfenacht, S Cular, PD Dresselhaus
2020 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 1-2, 2020
P2I-6 vapor discrimination using a hexagonal surface acoustic wave device
S Cular, VR Bhethanabotla, DW Branch
2006 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, 1794-1796, 2006
Acoustic manipulation of biological samples for improved sensors
S Cular, DW Branch, GD Meyer, VR Bhethanabotla
American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2005
The Measurement and Uncertainty of Air Dielectric Capacitors from 1 kHz to 10 MHz.
S Cular
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2014
Integrated thickness shear mode (TSM) sensor and surface acoustic wave (SAW) device for simultaneous sensing and removal of analytes
S Cular
US Patent 8,018,121, 2011
Palladium nanopartcle coated tobacco moasic virus sensing layer based surface acoustic wave hydrogen sensors
K Srinivasan, S Cular, VR Bhethanabotla, SY Lee, MT Harris, JN Culver
Nanotechnology and Nanobiotechnology for Sensors I. The 2005 Annual AICHE …, 2005
Hexagonal saw devices for enhanced sensing
S Cular, DW Branch, VR Bhethanabotla
AICHE Annu. Meeting, 2005
Reducing multijunction thermal converter output resistance to reduce measurement noise
JA Hagmann, CW Perera, S Cular
2020 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 1-2, 2020
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Articles 1–20