Eric W. Hester
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Cited by
Bistability in Rayleigh-Bénard convection with a melting boundary
J Purseed, B Favier, L Duchemin, EW Hester
Physical Review Fluids 5 (2), 023501, 2020
Topography generation by melting and freezing in a turbulent shear flow
LA Couston, E Hester, B Favier, JR Taylor, PR Holland, A Jenkins
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911, A44, 2021
Aspect ratio affects iceberg melting
EW Hester, CD McConnochie, C Cenedese, LA Couston, G Vasil
Physical Review Fluids 6 (2), 023802, 2021
Improved phase-field models of melting and dissolution in multi-component flows
EW Hester, LA Couston, B Favier, KJ Burns, GM Vasil
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 476 (2242), 20200508, 2020
Improving accuracy of volume penalised fluid-solid interactions
EW Hester, GM Vasil, KJ Burns
Journal of Computational Physics 430, 110043, 2021
Fluid dynamics alters liquid–liquid phase separation in confined aqueous two-phase systems
EW Hester, S Carney, V Shah, A Arnheim, B Patel, D Di Carlo, AL Bertozzi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (49), e2306467120, 2023
Double‐Diffusive Layer and Meltwater Plume Effects on Ice Face Scalloping in Phase‐Change Simulations
NJ Wilson, CA Vreugdenhil, B Gayen, EW Hester
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (17), e2023GL104396, 2023
Magneto-Stokes flow in a shallow free-surface annulus
CS David, EW Hester, Y Xu, JM Aurnou
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 996, A33, 2024
Orthogonal signed-distance coordinates and vector calculus near evolving curves and surfaces
EW Hester, GM Vasil
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 479 (2277), 20230080, 2023
Moosinesq convection in the cores of moosive stars
EH Anders, EB Bauer, AS Jermyn, SJ Van Kooten, BP Brown, EW Hester, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.00002, 2022
Investigating Dead Water
EW Hester, G Vasil
Australian government. Department of education and training, 2016
On the singular limit of three-phase contact lines in a ternary Cahn-Hilliard model
E Hester
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Phase-change simulations of the ice shelf/ocean boundary: examining double-diffusive layer and meltwater plume effects
CA Vreugdenhil, NJ Wilson, B Gayen, EW Hester
2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2024
On the contact line dynamics of three-phase fluids
E Hester, A Bertozzi
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2023
Modelling Microparticle Manufacture
E Hester, S Carney, A Bertozzi
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
Numerical methods for phase separation of surface tension dominated immiscible fluid mixtures
S Carney, E Hester, A Bertozzi
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 67, 2022
On the stability of shocks in isothermal black hole accretion discs
EW Hester, GM Vasil, M Wechselberger
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512 (4), 5771-5781, 2022
How does iceberg shape affect melting?
E Hester, C McConnochie, C Cenedese, LA Couston, B Favier, K Burns, ...
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, U07. 003, 2020
The Sphered Cube and other applications of sparse spectral methods in spheres
K Burns, D Lecoanet, G Vasil, J Oishi, B Brown, E Hester
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, A20. 006, 2019
Investigating the Effect of Iceberg Aspect Ratio on Submarine Melting
EW Hester
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Articles 1–20