Barbara Fersch
Barbara Fersch
Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark
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Meaning: lost, found or'made'in translation? A hermeneutical approach to cross-language interview research
B Fersch
Qualitative Studies 4 (2), 86-99, 2013
‘German angst’vs ‘Danish easy-going’? On the role and relevance of insecurity and uncertainty in the lives of freelancers in Denmark and Germany
B Fersch
Sociology 46 (6), 1125-1139, 2012
Experiences with the privatization of home care: evidence from Denmark
B Fersch, PH Jensen
Nordic Journal of Social Research 2 (1), 23-36, 2011
Gender Orders Unbound?: Globalisation, Restructuring and Reciprocity
D Elson, R Connell, M Morokvasic-Müller, M Mae, MM Ferree, ...
Barbara Budrich, 2007
Detached co-involvement in interactional care: Transcending temporality and spatiality through mHealth in a social psychiatry out-patient setting
A Schneider-Kamp, B Fersch
Social Science & Medicine 285, 114297, 2021
Institutional entrepreneurs and social innovation in Danish senior care
PH Jensen, B Fersch
Administration & Society 51 (2), 250-271, 2019
Anxiety and trust in times of health crisis: How parents navigated health risks during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark
B Fersch, A Schneider-Kamp, KN Breidahl
Health, Risk & Society 24 (1-2), 36-53, 2022
Gender orders unbound
I Lenz, C Ullrich, B Fersch
Globalisation, restructuring and reciprocity, 2007
Building, breaking, overriding…? Migrants and institutional trust in the Danish welfare state
B Fersch, KN Breidahl
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 38 (7-8), 592-605, 2018
Expectations towards home care re-ablement in Danish municipalities
B Fersch
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 35 (3/4), 126 - 140, 2015
Welfare service professionals, migrants, and the question of trust. A Danish case
B Fersch
Professions and Professionalism 6 (2), e1567-e1567, 2016
Bringing Different States In: How Welfare State Institutions can possibly influence socio-cultural dimensions of migrant incorporation
KN Breidahl, B Fersch
Nordic Journal of Migration Research 55 (3), 99-106, 2018
Where did the Indignados go? How movement sociality can influence action orientation and ongoing activism after the hype
LP Galán, B Fersch
Social Movement Studies 20 (1), 2-19, 2021
Local variations and preferences in the organization of elder care: the Danish case
PH Jensen, B Fersch
Work and life patterns of freelancers in the (new) media: A comparative analysis in the context of welfare state and labour market regulations in Denmark and Germany
B Fersch
Gender Orders Unbound: Globalisation, Restructuring, Reciprocity–Introduction
I Lenz, C Ullrich, B Fersch
Lenz, Ilse, Ullrich, Charlotte et Fersch, Barbara (éds), Gender Orders …, 2007
Det truede arbejdsliv-hvad er prekært arbejde?
B Fersch
Kritisk Debat 79, 2014
‘I have really learned how to smile with my eyes’. Risk work and embodied care practices among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark
FJ Paulsen, PS Rasmussen, B Fersch
Health, Risk & Society 26 (1-2), 37-52, 2024
The digitalization of care in Nordic welfare states: Sociological perspectives on exclusion, relations, and trust
B Fersch, A Schneider-Kamp
Social transformations and sociology: Dispossessions and empowerment, 2024
Boligfinansiering i landdistrikterne: Historisk og aktuel analyse af mulighederne for boligfinansiering i landdistrikterne og konsekvenserne for boligmarkedet i et …
E Noe, B Fersch, MR Larsen, MH Falk
Danish Centre for Rural Research and Development (CLF), University of …, 2020
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Articles 1–20