Jingjing Ren
Jingjing Ren
Northeastern University
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Information exposure from consumer iot devices: A multidimensional, network-informed measurement approach
J Ren, DJ Dubois, D Choffnes, AM Mandalari, R Kolcun, H Haddadi
Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference, 267-279, 2019
ReCon: Revealing and Controlling PII Leaks in Mobile Network Traffic
J Ren, A Rao, M Lindorfer, A Legout, D Choffnes
Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems …, 2016
FLOWPRINT: Semi-Supervised Mobile-App Fingerprinting on Encrypted Network Traffic
T van Ede, R Bortolameotti, A Continella, J Ren, DJ Dubois, M Lindorfer, ...
A longitudinal study of pii leaks across android app versions
J Ren, M Lindorfer, DJ Dubois, A Rao, D Choffnes, N Vallina-Rodriguez
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 10, 2018
Should you use the app for that? comparing the privacy implications of app-and web-based online services
C Leung, J Ren, D Choffnes, C Wilson
Proceedings of the 2016 Internet Measurement Conference, 365-372, 2016
Panoptispy: Characterizing audio and video exfiltration from android applications
E Pan, J Ren, M Lindorfer, C Wilson, D Choffnes
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2018
Tongible: a non-contact tongue-based interaction technique
L Liu, S Niu, J Ren, J Zhang
Proceedings of the 14th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2012
Birth control, drug abuse, or domestic violence? What health risk topics are women willing to discuss with a virtual agent?
J Ren, T Bickmore, M Hempstead, B Jack
Intelligent Virtual Agents: 14th International Conference, IVA 2014, Boston …, 2014
An international view of privacy risks for mobile apps
J Ren, DJ Dubois, D Choffnes
Systems and methods for detection and control of information leaks in network traffic
D Choffnes, J Ren
US Patent App. 15/235,483, 2017
Supporting longitudinal change in many health behaviors
J Ren, D Schulman, B Jack, TW Bickmore
CHI'14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1657-1662, 2014
System, method, and computer program product for maintaining user privacy in advertisement networks
J Ren, A Aggarwal, M Salajegheh
US Patent 11,403,420, 2022
Measuring Personal Information Exposure in the Mobile and IoT Environments
J Ren
Northeastern University, 2019
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Articles 1–13