Stefan Larsson
Cited by
Cited by
Landslide susceptibility hazard map in southwest Sweden using artificial neural network
AA Shahri, J Spross, F Johansson, S Larsson
Catena 183, 104225, 2019
State of Practice Report–Execution, monitoring and quality control
S Larsson
Deep Mixing 5, 732-785, 2005
A novel approach to uncertainty quantification in groundwater table modeling by automated predictive deep learning
A Abbaszadeh Shahri, C Shan, S Larsson
Natural Resources Research 31 (3), 1351-1373, 2022
Effect of basalt fiber inclusion on the mechanical properties and microstructure of cement-solidified kaolinite
D Wang, H Wang, S Larsson, M Benzerzour, W Maherzi, M Amar
Construction and Building Materials 241, 118085, 2020
On horizontal variability in lime-cement columns in deep mixing
S Larsson, H Stille, L Olsson
Géotechnique 55 (1), 33-44, 2005
Mixing processes for ground improvement by deep mixing
S Larsson
Byggvetenskap, 2003
An artificial neural network based model to predict spatial soil type distribution using piezocone penetration test data (CPTu)
A Ghaderi, A Abbaszadeh Shahri, S Larsson
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 4579-4588, 2019
Uniformity of lime-cement columns for deep mixing: a field study
S Larsson, M Dahlström, B Nilsson
Proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-ground improvement 9 (1), 1-15, 2005
Shear strength of partially bonded concrete–rock interfaces for application in dam stability analyses
A Krounis, F Johansson, S Larsson
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49 (7), 2711-2722, 2016
Bearing capacity and failure behaviors of floating stiffened deep cement mixing columns under axial load
A Wonglert, P Jongpradist, P Jamsawang, S Larsson
Soils and Foundations 58 (2), 446-461, 2018
Soil compaction by vibratory roller with variable frequency
C Wersäll, I Nordfelt, S Larsson
Géotechnique 67 (3), 272-278, 2017
Finite element modelling of laterally loaded lime–cement columns using a damage plasticity model
S Larsson, R Malm, B Charbit, A Ansell
Computers and Geotechnics 44, 48-57, 2012
Two-and three-dimensional analyses of excavation support with rows of dry deep mixing columns
R Ignat, S Baker, S Larsson, S Liedberg
Computers and Geotechnics 66, 16-30, 2015
A visualized hybrid intelligent model to delineate Swedish fine-grained soil layers using clay sensitivity
A Ghaderi, AA Shahri, S Larsson
Catena 214, 106289, 2022
Extended multivariate approach for uncertainty reduction in the assessment of undrained shear strength in clays
R Müller, S Larsson, J Spross
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 51 (3), 231-245, 2014
A laboratory study on strength loss in kaolin surrounding lime–cement columns
S Larsson, M Rothhämel, G Jacks
Applied Clay Science 44 (1-2), 116-126, 2009
A hybrid ensemble-based automated deep learning approach to generate 3D geo-models and uncertainty analysis
A Abbaszadeh Shahri, S Chunling, S Larsson
Engineering with Computers 40 (3), 1501-1516, 2024
Effects of spatial variation in cohesion over the concrete-rock interface on dam sliding stability
A Krounis, F Johansson, S Larsson
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 7 (6), 659-667, 2015
Strength variability in lime-cement columns based on cone penetration test data
MS Al-Naqshabandy, N Bergman, S Larsson
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Ground Improvement 165 (1 …, 2012
Spatial distribution modeling of subsurface bedrock using a developed automated intelligence deep learning procedure: a case study in Sweden
AA Shahri, C Shan, E Zäll, S Larsson
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 13 (6), 1300-1310, 2021
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