Knowledge networks in new product development projects: A transactive memory perspective AE Akgün, J Byrne, H Keskin, GS Lynn, SZ Imamoglu Information & management 42 (8), 1105-1120, 2005 | 640 | 2005 |
Emotional and learning capability and their impact on product innovativeness and firm performance AE Akgün, H Keskin, JC Byrne, S Aren Technovation 27 (9), 501-513, 2007 | 555 | 2007 |
Organizational unlearning as changes in beliefs and routines in organizations AE Akgün, JC Byrne, GS Lynn, H Keskin Journal of organizational change management 20 (6), 794-812, 2007 | 503 | 2007 |
Organizational learning: A socio-cognitive framework AE Akgün, GS Lynn, JC Byrne Human relations 56 (7), 839-868, 2003 | 471 | 2003 |
Organisational resilience capacity and firm product innovativeness and performance AE Akgün, H Keskin International journal of production research 52 (23), 6918-6937, 2014 | 413 | 2014 |
Organizational emotional capability, product and process innovation, and firm performance: An empirical analysis AE Akgün, H Keskin, J Byrne Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 26 (3), 103-130, 2009 | 413 | 2009 |
Antecedents and consequences of unlearning in new product development teams AE Akgün, GS Lynn, JC Byrne Journal of Product Innovation Management 23 (1), 73-88, 2006 | 388 | 2006 |
Knowledge management in new product teams: practices and outcomes GS Lynn, RR Reilly, AE Akgun IEEE transactions on Engineering Management 47 (2), 221-231, 2000 | 368 | 2000 |
New product development in turbulent environments: Impact of improvisation and unlearning on new product performance AE Akgün, JC Byrne, GS Lynn, H Keskin Journal of Engineering and technology Management 24 (3), 203-230, 2007 | 340 | 2007 |
Innovation strategies under uncertainty: a contingency approach for new product development GS Lynn, AE Akgün Engineering Management Journal 10 (3), 11-18, 1998 | 336 | 1998 |
Learning process in new product development teams and effects on product success: A socio-cognitive perspective AE Akgün, GS Lynn, C Yılmaz Industrial Marketing Management 35 (2), 210-224, 2006 | 310 | 2006 |
Transactive memory system in new product development teams AE Akgun, JC Byrne, H Keskin, GS Lynn IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 53 (1), 95-111, 2006 | 295 | 2006 |
The mediator role of learning capability and business innovativeness between total quality management and financial performance AE Akgün, H Ince, SZ Imamoglu, H Keskin, İ Kocoglu International Journal of Production Research 52 (3), 888-901, 2014 | 248 | 2014 |
The relationships among nostalgic emotion, destination images and tourist behaviors: An empirical study of Istanbul AE Akgün, HA Senturk, H Keskin, I Onal Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 16, 100355, 2020 | 227 | 2020 |
Project Visioning and its impact on New Product Success G Lynn, A Ali E. Journal of Product Innovation Management 18, 374-387, 2001 | 224* | 2001 |
Antecedents and consequences of team stability on new product development performance AE Akgün, GS Lynn Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 19 (3-4), 263-286, 2002 | 223 | 2002 |
New product development team improvisation and speed‐to‐market: an extended model AE Akgün, GS Lynn European Journal of Innovation Management 5 (3), 117-129, 2002 | 194 | 2002 |
Antecedents and contingent effects of organizational adaptive capability on firm product innovativeness AE Akgün, H Keskin, J Byrne Journal of product innovation management 29, 171-189, 2012 | 183 | 2012 |
Organizational intelligence: a structuration view AE Akgün, J Byrne, H Keskin Journal of Organizational Change Management 20 (3), 272-289, 2007 | 178 | 2007 |
The influence of storytelling approach in travel writings on readers’ empathy and travel intentions AE Akgün, H Keskin, H Ayar, E Erdoğan Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 207, 577-586, 2015 | 173 | 2015 |