Articles with public access mandates - Harlyn BakerLearn more
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Light-field camera design for high-accuracy depth estimation
M Diebold, O Blum, M Gutsche, S Wanner, C Garbe, H Baker, B Jähne
Videometrics, Range Imaging, and Applications XIII 9528, 952803, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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StarCAM-A 16K stereo panoramic video camera with a novel parallel interleaved arrangement of sensors.
DE Meyer, H Wang, DJ Sandin, C McFarland, E Lo, G Dawe, J Dai, ...
SD&A, 1-8, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
EPIModules on a Geodesic: Toward 360° Light-Field Imaging
HH Baker, G Kurillo, A Miller, A Temil, T Defanti, D Sandin
Electronic Imaging 31, 1-6, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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