Jamal Ezzahar
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Cited by
Monitoring wheat phenology and irrigation in Central Morocco: On the use of relationships between evapotranspiration, crops coefficients, leaf area index and remotely-sensed …
B Duchemin, R Hadria, S Erraki, G Boulet, P Maisongrande, A Chehbouni, ...
Agricultural Water Management 79 (1), 1-27, 2006
Near real-time agriculture monitoring at national scale at parcel resolution: Performance assessment of the Sen2-Agri automated system in various cropping systems around the world
P Defourny, S Bontemps, N Bellemans, C Cara, G Dedieu, E Guzzonato, ...
Remote sensing of environment 221, 551-568, 2019
Combining FAO-56 model and ground-based remote sensing to estimate water consumptions of wheat crops in a semi-arid region
S Er-Raki, A Chehbouni, N Guemouria, B Duchemin, J Ezzahar, R Hadria
Agricultural water management 87 (1), 41-54, 2007
OZCAR: The French Network of Critical Zone Observatories
J Gaillardet, I Braud, F Hankard, S Anquetin, O Bour, N Dorfliger, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 17 (1), 1-24, 2018
Performance assessment of AquaCrop model for estimating evapotranspiration, soil water content and grain yield of winter wheat in Tensift Al Haouz (Morocco): Application to …
J Toumi, S Er-Raki, J Ezzahar, S Khabba, L Jarlan, A Chehbouni
Agricultural Water Management 163, 219-235, 2016
An integrated modelling and remote sensing approach for hydrological study in arid and semi‐arid regions: the SUDMED Programme
A Chehbouni, R Escadafal, B Duchemin, G Boulet, V Simonneaux, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (17-18), 5161-5181, 2008
Deriving daily evapotranspiration from remotely sensed instantaneous evaporative fraction over olive orchard in semi-arid Morocco
JCB Hoedjes, A Chehbouni, F Jacob, J Ezzahar, G Boulet
Journal of Hydrology 354 (1-4), 53-64, 2008
Intercomparison of four remote-sensing-based energy balance methods to retrieve surface evapotranspiration and water stress of irrigated fields in semi-arid climate
J Chirouze, G Boulet, L Jarlan, R Fieuzal, JC Rodriguez, J Ezzahar, ...
Hydrology and earth system sciences 18 (3), 1165-1188, 2014
Improvement of FAO-56 method for olive orchards through sequential assimilation of thermal infrared-based estimates of ET
S Er-Raki, A Chehbouni, J Hoedjes, J Ezzahar, B Duchemin, F Jacob
Agricultural Water Management 95 (3), 309-321, 2008
Remote sensing of water resources in semi-arid Mediterranean areas: The joint international laboratory TREMA
L Jarlan, S Khabba, S Er-Raki, M Le Page, L Hanich, Y Fakir, O Merlin, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (19-20), 4879-4917, 2015
Comparison of large aperture scintillometer and eddy covariance measurements: Can thermal infrared data be used to capture footprint-induced differences?
JCB Hoedjes, A Chehbouni, J Ezzahar, R Escadafal, HAR De Bruin
Journal of Hydrometeorology 8 (2), 144-159, 2007
The use of the scintillation technique for monitoring seasonal water consumption of olive orchards in a semi-arid region
J Ezzahar, A Chehbouni, JCB Hoedjes, S Er-Raki, A Chehbouni, G Boulet, ...
Agricultural Water Management 89 (3), 173-184, 2007
Evaluation of backscattering models and support vector machine for the retrieval of bare soil moisture from Sentinel-1 data
J Ezzahar, N Ouaadi, M Zribi, J Elfarkh, G Aouade, S Khabba, S Er-Raki, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (1), 72, 2020
Partitioning evapotranspiration of a drip-irrigated wheat crop: Inter-comparing eddy covariance-, sap flow-, lysimeter-and FAO-based methods
Z Rafi, O Merlin, V Le Dantec, S Khabba, P Mordelet, S Er-Raki, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 265, 310-326, 2019
Monitoring of wheat crops using the backscattering coefficient and the interferometric coherence derived from Sentinel-1 in semi-arid areas
N Ouaadi, L Jarlan, J Ezzahar, M Zribi, S Khabba, E Bouras, S Bousbih, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 251, 112050, 2020
Modeling soil evaporation efficiency in a range of soil and atmospheric conditions using a meta‐analysis approach
O Merlin, VG Stefan, A Amazirh, A Chanzy, E Ceschia, S Er‐Raki, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (5), 3663-3684, 2016
Combining stable isotopes, Eddy Covariance system and meteorological measurements for partitioning evapotranspiration, of winter wheat, into soil evaporation and plant …
G Aouade, J Ezzahar, N Amenzou, S Er-Raki, A Benkaddour, S Khabba, ...
Agricultural Water Management 177, 181-192, 2016
Impact of sowing date on yield and water use efficiency of wheat analyzed through spatial modeling and FORMOSAT-2 images
B Duchemin, R Fieuzal, MA Rivera, J Ezzahar, L Jarlan, JC Rodriguez, ...
Remote Sensing 7 (5), 5951-5979, 2015
Citrus orchard evapotranspiration: comparison between eddy covariance measurements and the FAO-56 approach estimates
S Er-Raki, A Chehbouni, N Guemouria, J Ezzahar, S Khabba, G Boulet, ...
Plant Biosystems 143 (1), 201-208, 2009
Monitoring water stress using time series of observed to unstressed surface temperature difference
G Boulet, A Chehbouni, P Gentine, B Duchemin, J Ezzahar, R Hadria
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 146 (3-4), 159-172, 2007
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Articles 1–20