Joe Mohr
Joe Mohr
Professor of Physics, LMU-Munich
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Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger
BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, F Acernese, K Ackley, C Adams, T Adams, ...
Astrophys. J. Lett 848 (2), L12, 2017
Euclid definition study report
R Laureijs, J Amiaux, S Arduini, JL Augueres, J Brinchmann, R Cole, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.3193, 2011
Dark Energy Survey Year 3 results: Cosmological constraints from galaxy clustering and weak lensing
TMC Abbott, M Aguena, A Alarcon, S Allam, O Alves, A Amon, ...
Physical Review D 105 (2), 023520, 2022
The Dark Energy Survey: more than dark energy–an overview
Dark Energy Survey Collaboration:, T Abbott, FB Abdalla, J Aleksić, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460 (2), 1270-1299, 2016
BVRI light curves for 22 type Ia supernovae
AG Riess, RP Kirshner, BP Schmidt, S Jha, P Challis, PM Garnavich, ...
The Astronomical Journal 117 (2), 707, 1999
The electromagnetic counterpart of the binary neutron star merger LIGO/Virgo GW170817. II. UV, optical, and near-infrared light curves and comparison to kilonova models
PS Cowperthwaite, E Berger, VA Villar, BD Metzger, M Nicholl, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 848 (2), L17, 2017
The eROSITA X-ray telescope on SRG
P Predehl, R Andritschke, V Arefiev, V Babyshkin, O Batanov, W Becker, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 647, A1, 2021
The 10 meter south pole telescope
JE Carlstrom, PAR Ade, KA Aird, BA Benson, LE Bleem, S Busetti, ...
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 123 (903), 568, 2011
Galaxy clusters discovered via the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect in the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey
LE Bleem, B Stalder, T De Haan, KA Aird, SW Allen, DE Applegate, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 216 (2), 27, 2015
Properties of the intracluster medium in an ensemble of nearby galaxy clusters
JJ Mohr, B Mathiesen, AE Evrard
The Astrophysical Journal 517 (2), 627, 1999
Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results: Cosmological constraints from cosmic shear
MA Troxel, N MacCrann, J Zuntz, TF Eifler, E Krause, S Dodelson, ...
Physical Review D 98 (4), 043528, 2018
Eight new Milky Way companions discovered in first-year Dark Energy Survey data
K Bechtol, A Drlica-Wagner, E Balbinot, A Pieres, JD Simon, B Yanny, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 807 (1), 50, 2015
A measurement of the damping tail of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum with the South Pole Telescope
R Keisler, CL Reichardt, KA Aird, BA Benson, LE Bleem, JE Carlstrom, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 743 (1), 28, 2011
K-band properties of galaxy clusters and groups: brightest cluster galaxies and intracluster light
YT Lin, JJ Mohr
The Astrophysical Journal 617 (2), 879, 2004
Constraints on Cosmological Parameters from Future Galaxy ClusterSurveys
Z Haiman, JJ Mohr, GP Holder
The Astrophysical Journal 553 (2), 545, 2001
The electromagnetic counterpart of the binary neutron star merger LIGO/Virgo GW170817. I. Discovery of the optical counterpart using the dark energy camera
M Soares-Santos, DE Holz, J Annis, R Chornock, K Herner, E Berger, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 848 (2), L16, 2017
CMB-S4 science case, reference design, and project plan
K Abazajian, G Addison, P Adshead, Z Ahmed, SW Allen, D Alonso, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.04473, 2019
K-band properties of galaxy clusters and groups: Luminosity function, radial distribution, and halo occupation number
YT Lin, JJ Mohr, SA Stanford
The Astrophysical Journal 610 (2), 745, 2004
Galaxy clusters selected with the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect from 2008 south pole telescope observations
K Vanderlinde, TM Crawford, T De Haan, JP Dudley, L Shaw, PAR Ade, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 722 (2), 1180, 2010
A Measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Damping Tail from the 2500-square-degree SPT-SZ survey
KT Story, CL Reichardt, Z Hou, R Keisler, KA Aird, BA Benson, LE Bleem, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 779 (1), 86, 2013
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Articles 1–20