Mu Qiao
Cited by
Cited by
Maneuvers during legged locomotion
DL Jindrich, M Qiao
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 19 (2), 2009
Leg Joint Function During Walking Acceleration and Deceleration
M Qiao, DL Jindrich
Journal of Biomechanics 49 (1), 66-72, 2015
Aging effects on leg joint variability during walking with balance perturbations
M Qiao, JA Feld, JR Franz
Gait & posture 62, 27-33, 2018
Effects of visual feedback and memory on unintentional drifts in performance during finger-pressing tasks
S Solnik, M Qiao, ML Latash
Experimental Brain Research 235 (4), 1149-1162, 2017
Treadmill-based gait-slip training with reduced training volume could still prevent slip-related falls
F Yang, P Cereceres, M Qiao
Gait & Posture 66, 160–165, 2018
Compensations for increased rotational inertia during human cutting turns
M Qiao, B Brown, DL Jindrich
the Journal of experimental biology 217 (Pt 3), 432-43, 2014
Task-level Strategies for Human Sagittal-Plane Running Maneuvers are Consistent with Robotic Control Policies
M Qiao, DL Jindrich
Time-dependent tuning of balance control and aftereffects following optical flow perturbation training in older adults
JT Richards, BP Selgrade, M Qiao, P Plummer, EA Wikstrom, JR Franz
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 16, 1-11, 2019
Compensations During Unsteady Locomotion
M Qiao, DL Jindrich
Integrative and Comparative Biology 54 (6), 1109-21, 2014
Does local dynamic stability during unperturbed walking predict the response to balance perturbations? An examination across age and falls history
M Qiao, KN Truong, JR Franz
Gait & posture 62, 80-85, 2018
Relative importance of physical and psychological factors to slowness in people with mild to moderate multiple sclerosis
F Yang, M Qiao, X Su, J Lazarus
Multiple sclerosis and related disorders 27, 81-90, 2019
A model for differential leg joint function during human running
M Qiao, JJ Abbas, DL Jindrich
Bioinspiration & biomimetics 12 (1), 016015, 2017
Effects of a single-session stance-slip perturbation training program on reducing risk of slip-related falls
F Yang, F Saucedo, M Qiao
Journal of biomechanics 72, 1-6, 2018
Leg joint stiffness affects dynamics of backward falling from standing height: a simulation work
M Qiao, F Yang
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 142 (10), 101007, 2020
Leg joint mechanics when hopping at different frequencies
M Qiao
Journal of Applied Biomechanics 37 (3), 263-271, 2021
Correlation of power to fastball velocity of collegiate baseball pitchers
D Szymanski, M Qiao, V Singh, J Szymanski
National Strength and Conditioning Association's National Conference, Las …, 2020
Combined countermovement jump testing and motion analysis as the future of performance assessment for baseball pitchers: A narrative Review
M Sakurai, DJ Szymanski, M Qiao, RL Crotin
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 37 (6), 1327-1338, 2023
How do the compliant legs affect walking stability
J Luo, Y Fu, S Wang, M Qiao
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 599-604, 2017
The S-shaped performance curve prevails in practicing juggling
M Qiao
Journal of Motor Learning and Development 9 (2), 230-246, 2021
Visuomotor error augmentation affects mediolateral head and trunk stabilization during walking
M Qiao, JT Richards, JR Franz
Human Movement Science 68, 102525, 2019
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Articles 1–20