Articles with public access mandates - Gerard HeuvelinkLearn more
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Using multiple linear regression and random forests to identify spatial poverty determinants in rural China
M Liu, S Hu, Y Ge, GBM Heuvelink, Z Ren, X Huang
Spatial Statistics 42, 100461, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Analysis of spatio-temporal variation of crop yield in China using stepwise multiple linear regression
Y Liu, GBM Heuvelink, Z Bai, P He, X Xu, W Ding, S Huang
Field Crops Research 264, 108098, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Geostatistical prediction and simulation of European soil property maps
GBM Heuvelink, J Kros, GJ Reinds, W De Vries
Geoderma Regional 7 (2), 201-215, 2016
Mandates: European Commission
Impact of input data uncertainty on environmental exposure assessment models: A case study for electromagnetic field modelling from mobile phone base stations
J Beekhuizen, GBM Heuvelink, A Huss, A Bürgi, H Kromhout, ...
Environmental research 135, 148-155, 2014
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Sparse regression interaction models for spatial prediction of soil properties in 3D
M Pejović, M Nikolić, GBM Heuvelink, T Hengl, M Kilibarda, B Bajat
Computers & Geosciences 118, 1-13, 2018
Mandates: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic …
Modelling and mapping soil nutrient depletion in humid highlands of East Africa using ensemble machine learning: A case study from Rwanda
Y Uwiragiye, MJY Ngaba, M Zhao, AS Elrys, GBM Heuvelink, J Zhou
Catena 217, 106499, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Joint treatment of point measurement, sampling and neighborhood uncertainty in space-time rainfall mapping
LB Ehlers, TO Sonnenborg, GBM Heuvelink, X He, JC Refsgaard
Journal of Hydrology 574, 148-159, 2019
Mandates: Villum Foundation
Available somewhere: 40
SoilGrids 2.0: producing soil information for the globe with quantified spatial uncertainty
L Poggio, LM De Sousa, NH Batjes, GBM Heuvelink, B Kempen, ...
Soil 7 (1), 217-240, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
Mapping soil properties of Africa at 250 m resolution: Random forests significantly improve current predictions
T Hengl, GBM Heuvelink, B Kempen, JGB Leenaars, MG Walsh, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0125814, 2015
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Spatio-temporal interpolation using gstat
B Gräler, E Pebesma, G Heuvelink
Mandates: German Research Foundation
An integrated pan‐tropical biomass map using multiple reference datasets
V Avitabile, M Herold, GBM Heuvelink, SL Lewis, OL Phillips, GP Asner, ...
Global change biology 22 (4), 1406-1420, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture, John D. and …
Soil nutrient maps of Sub-Saharan Africa: assessment of soil nutrient content at 250 m spatial resolution using machine learning
T Hengl, JGB Leenaars, KD Shepherd, MG Walsh, GBM Heuvelink, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 109, 77-102, 2017
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Random forest spatial interpolation
A Sekulić, M Kilibarda, G Heuvelink, M Nikolić, B Bajat
Remote Sensing 12 (10), 1687, 2020
Mandates: European Commission, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological …
Soil resources and element stocks in drylands to face global issues
C Plaza, C Zaccone, K Sawicka, AM Méndez, A Tarquis, G Gascó, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 13788, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council, European Commission, Government of …
Mapping rootable depth and root zone plant-available water holding capacity of the soil of sub-Saharan Africa
JGB Leenaars, L Claessens, GBM Heuvelink, T Hengl, MR González, ...
Geoderma 324, 18-36, 2018
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CGIAR
Machine learning in space and time for modelling soil organic carbon change
GBM Heuvelink, ME Angelini, L Poggio, Z Bai, NH Batjes, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 72 (4), 1607-1623, 2021
Mandates: European Commission
Soil legacy data rescue via GlobalSoilMap and other international and national initiatives
D Arrouays, JGB Leenaars, AC Richer-de-Forges, K Adhikari, C Ballabio, ...
GeoResJ 14, 1-19, 2017
Mandates: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Propagation of positional error in 3D GIS: estimation of the solar irradiation of building roofs
F Biljecki, GBM Heuvelink, H Ledoux, J Stoter
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29 (12), 2269-2294, 2015
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Incorporating DEM uncertainty in coastal inundation mapping
JX Leon, GBM Heuvelink, SR Phinn
PLoS one 9 (9), e108727, 2014
Mandates: Australian Research Council
Pedotransfer functions to estimate soil water content at field capacity and permanent wilting point in hot Arid Western India
P Santra, M Kumar, RN Kumawat, DK Painuli, KM Hati, GBM Heuvelink, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 127, 1-16, 2018
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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