Vincent Prevosto
Vincent Prevosto
Research Scientist
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Cerebellar inputs to intraparietal cortex areas LIP and MIP: functional frameworks for adaptive control of eye movements, reaching, and arm/eye/head movement coordination
V Prevosto, W Graf, G Ugolini
Cerebral Cortex 20 (1), 214-228, 2010
Simultaneous transcranial magnetic stimulation and single-neuron recording in alert non-human primates
JK Mueller, EM Grigsby, V Prevosto, FW Petraglia III, H Rao, ZD Deng, ...
Nature neuroscience 17 (8), 1130-1136, 2014
A common neuroendocrine substrate for diverse general anesthetics and sleep
LF Jiang-Xie, L Yin, S Zhao, V Prevosto, BX Han, K Dzirasa, F Wang
Neuron 102 (5), 1053-1065. e4, 2019
Cognitive control of movement via the cerebellar-recipient thalamus
V Prevosto, MA Sommer
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 7, 56, 2013
Proprioceptive pathways to posterior parietal areas MIP and LIPv from the dorsal column nuclei and the postcentral somatosensory cortex
V Prevosto, W Graf, G Ugolini
European Journal of Neuroscience 33 (3), 444-460, 2011
Posterior parietal cortex areas MIP and LIPv receive eye position and velocity inputs via ascending preposito‐thalamo‐cortical pathways
V Prevosto, W Graf, G Ugolini
European Journal of Neuroscience 30 (6), 1151-1161, 2009
The whisking oscillator circuit
J Takatoh, V Prevosto, PM Thompson, J Lu, L Chung, A Harrahill, S Li, ...
Nature 609 (7927), 560-568, 2022
Vibrissa sensory neurons: linking distinct morphology to specific physiology and function
J Takatoh, V Prevosto, F Wang
Neuroscience 368, 109-114, 2018
The control of eye movements by the cerebellar nuclei: polysynaptic projections from the fastigial, interpositus posterior and dentate nuclei to lateral rectus motoneurons in …
V Prevosto, W Graf, G Ugolini
European Journal of Neuroscience 45 (12), 1538-1552, 2017
Contribution of cerebellar loops to action timing
RT Raghavan, V Prevosto, MA Sommer
Current opinion in behavioral sciences 8, 28-34, 2016
Theory of hierarchically organized neuronal oscillator dynamics that mediate rodent rhythmic whisking
D Golomb, JD Moore, A Fassihi, J Takatoh, V Prevosto, F Wang, ...
Neuron 110 (22), 3833-3851. e22, 2022
Proprioceptive eye position signals are still missing a sensory receptor
HM Rao, V Prevosto
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (26), 10585-10587, 2013
Somatosensory cortical signature of facial nociception and vibrotactile touch–induced analgesia
J Lu, B Chen, M Levy, P Xu, BX Han, J Takatoh, PM Thompson, Z He, ...
Science Advances 8 (46), eabn6530, 2022
Ascending vestibular pathways to parietal areas MIP and LIPv and efference copy inputs from the medial reticular formation: Functional frameworks for body representations …
G Ugolini, V Prevosto, W Graf
European Journal of Neuroscience 50 (6), 2988-3013, 2019
Vestibular ascending input to posterior parietal areas VIP/MIP, related by retrograde transneuronal transfer of rabies virus
W Graf, F Klam, V Prevosto, G Ugolini
Soc Neurosci Abstr 31 (932.931), 2005
Differences in ascending vestibular, eye position, and somatosensory input to medial (MIP/VIPm) and lateral (VIPl/LIPv) intraparietal areas, revealed by retrograde …
V Prevosto, G Ugolini, S Isom, W Graf
Program No. 242.18. 2006 Neuroscience Meeting Planner, 2006
Reverse-engineering placebo analgesia
B Chen, N Goldstein, J Dziubek, A Sundai, S Zhao, A Harrahill, S Choi, ...
Current Biology 34 (18), 4261-4271. e5, 2024
Differences in cerebellar nuclear input to medial (MIP/VIPm) and lateral (VIPl/LIPv) intraparietal areas, revealed by retrograde transneuronal transfer of rabies virus
G Ugolini, V Prevosto, W Graf
Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. Viewer/Planner, 2006
Cerebellar nuclear input to posterior parietal areas VIP/MIP, revealed by retrograde transneuronal transfer of rabies virus. Program No. 289.7. 2005 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary …
G Ugolini, F Klam, V Prevosto, W Graf
Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, 2005 November 12–16;, 2005
Cerebellar cortical and nuclear output channels to the medial intraparietal area (MIP): pathways for online and adaptive control of proprioceptive and visual guidance of …
G Ugolini, V Prevosto, W Graf
Society for Neuroscience 37, 2007
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Articles 1–20