James-A. Goulet
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Cited by
Structural identification with systematic errors and unknown uncertainty dependencies
JA Goulet, IFC Smith
Computers & structures 128, 251-258, 2013
Model falsification diagnosis and sensor placement for leak detection in pressurized pipe networks
JA Goulet, S Coutu, IFC Smith
Advanced Engineering Informatics 27 (2), 261-269, 2013
Multimodel structural performance monitoring
JA Goulet, P Kripakaran, IFC Smith
Journal of structural engineering 136 (10), 1309-1318, 2010
Data‐driven post‐earthquake rapid structural safety assessment
JA Goulet, C Michel, AD Kiureghian
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 44 (4), 549-562, 2015
Probabilistic Machine Learning for Civil Engineers
JA Goulet
MIT Press, 2020
Anomaly detection with the switching kalman filter for structural health monitoring
LH Nguyen, JA Goulet
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 25 (4), e2136, 2018
Hybrid probabilities and error-domain structural identification using ambient vibration monitoring
JA Goulet, C Michel, IFC Smith
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 37 (1-2), 199-212, 2013
Pre-posterior optimization of sequence of measurement and intervention actions under structural reliability constraint
JA Goulet, A Der Kiureghian, B Li
Structural Safety 52, 1-9, 2015
Predicting the usefulness of monitoring for identifying the behavior of structures
JA Goulet, IFC Smith
Journal of Structural Engineering 139 (10), 1716-1727, 2013
Bayesian dynamic linear models for structural health monitoring
JA Goulet
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 24 (12), e2035, 2017
Improving fatigue evaluations of structures using in-service behavior measurement data
R Pasquier, JA Goulet, C Acevedo, IFC Smith
Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (11), 04014045, 2014
Performance-Driven Measurement-System Design for Structural Identification
JA Goulet, IFC Smith
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2012
Empirical validation of Bayesian dynamic linear models in the context of structural health monitoring
JA Goulet, K Koo
Journal of bridge engineering 23 (2), 05017017, 2018
Measurement, data interpretation, and uncertainty propagation for fatigue assessments of structures
R Pasquier, L D’Angelo, JA Goulet, C Acevedo, A Nussbaumer, IFC Smith
Journal of Bridge Engineering 21 (5), 04015087, 2016
Quantifying the effects of modeling simplifications for structural identification of bridges
JA Goulet, M Texier, C Michel, IFC Smith, L Chouinard
Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (1), 59-71, 2014
Real‐time anomaly detection with Bayesian dynamic linear models
LH Nguyen, JA Goulet
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 26 (9), e2404, 2019
Probabilistic model falsification for infrastructure diagnosis
JA Goulet
EPFL, 2012
Tractable approximate Gaussian inference for Bayesian neural networks
JA Goulet, LH Nguyen, S Amiri
Journal of Machine Learning Research 22 (251), 1-23, 2021
Exploring approaches to improve the performance of autonomous monitoring with imperfect data in location-aware wireless sensor networks
X Luo, WJ O’Brien, F Leite, JA Goulet
Advanced Engineering Informatics 28 (4), 287-296, 2014
Modeling infrastructure degradation from visual inspections using network‐scale state‐space models
Z Hamida, JA Goulet
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 27 (9), e2582, 2020
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Articles 1–20