Julio Vidal Larramendi
Julio Vidal Larramendi
Profesor de Física, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba
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Cited by
Influence of NH3 concentration and annealing in the properties of chemical bath deposited ZnS films
OZA J. Vidal, O. Vigil, O de Melo, N. Lopez
Materials chemistry and physics, 1 - 4, 1999
Photoluminescence and structural properties of cadmium sulphide thin films grown by different techniques
J Aguilar-Hernandez, G Contreras-Puente, A Morales-Acevedo, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 18 (2), 111, 2002
Influence of magnetic field and type of substrate on the growth of ZnS films by chemical bath
J Vidal, O De Melo, O Vigil, N Lopez, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Thin Solid Films 419 (1-2), 118-123, 2002
Bayesian Analysis of External Corrosion Data of Non-piggable Underground Pipelines
JMH F. Caleyo, A. Valor, L. Alfonso, J. Vidal, E. Perez-Baruch
Corrosion Science 90, 33-45, 2015
Influence of the growth conditions and postdeposition treatments upon the grain boundary barrier height of CdTe thin films deposited by close space vapor transport
O Vigil-Galán, L Vaillant, R Mendoza-Pérez, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 90 (7), 3427-3431, 2001
New window materials used as heterojunction partners on CdTe solar cells
G Contreras-Puente, O Vigil, M Ortega-Lopez, A Morales-Acevedo, ...
Thin Solid Films 361, 378-382, 2000
Influence of the growth conditions in the properties of the CdTe thin films deposited by CSVT
G Contreras-Puente, O Vigil-Galán, J Vidal-Larramendi, ...
Thin Solid Films 387 (1-2), 50-53, 2001
Statistical Analysis of Pitting Corrosion Field Data and Their Use for Realistic Reliability Estimations in Non-Piggable Pipeline Systems
JMH Alma Valor, Francisco Caleyo, Lester Alfonso, Julio Vidal
Corrosion 70, 1090 - 1100, 2014
ZnIn2S4 as a window in heterojunction solar cells
O Vigil, O Calzadilla, D Seuret, J Vidal, F Leccabue
Solar energy materials 10 (2), 139-143, 1984
Physical properties of CdS thin films grown by pulsed laser ablation on conducting substrates: effect of the thermal treatment
O Vigil‐Galán, J Vidal‐Larramendi, A Escamilla‐Esquivel, ...
physica status solidi (a) 203 (8), 2018-2023, 2006
Analysis of the 1.55 eV PL band of CdTe polycrystalline films
J Aguilar-Hernandez, M Cárdenas-Garcıa, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 102 (1-3), 203-206, 2003
The negative binomial distribution as a model for external corrosion defect counts in buried pipelines
A Valor, L Alfonso, F Caleyo, J Vidal, E Perez-Baruch, JM Hallen
Corrosion science 101, 114-131, 2015
CdS and CdTe large area thin films processed by radio-frequency planar-magnetron sputtering
H Hernandez-Contreras, G Contreras-Puente, J Aguilar-Hernandez, ...
Thin Solid Films 403, 148-152, 2002
Comparative secondary ion mass spectroscopy analysis of solar cell structures grown by pulsed laser ablation and ion sputtering
JA Godines, A Villegas, Y Kudriavtsev, R Asomoza, A Morales-Acevedo, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 19 (2), 213, 2003
Influence of the growth conditions on the photoluminescence spectrum of CdTe polycrystalline films deposited by the close space vapor transport technique
J Aguilar-Hernandez, G Contreras-Puente, J Vidal-Larramendi, ...
Thin Solid Films 426 (1-2), 132-134, 2003
Physical properties of CdS thin films grown by different techniques: a comparative study
A Morales-Acevedo, O Vigil-Galan, G Contreras-Puente, ...
Conference Record of the Twenty-Ninth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists …, 2002
Electrical properties of Sb‐doped ZnTe thin films
N Romeo, G Sberveglieri, L Tarricone, J Vidal, A Wojtowicz
physica status solidi (a) 47 (2), 371-374, 1978
Influence of thermal annealing with CdCl2 on final characteristics of CdS/CdTe solar cells processed by close space vapor transport
O Vigil-Galan, G Santana-Rodriguez, J Vidal-Larramendi, ...
Revista Mexicana De Fisica 50 (4), 353-357, 2004
La informatización de la gestión universitaria: reflexiones desde una experiencia.[Internet] 2016 [citado 16 Sep 2017] Disponible en: http://www. congresouniversidad. cu/sites …
A Ruiz Jhones, JS Vidal Larramendi, PA Urra González
PCF. pdf, 0
Mi Moodle en casa
A Montoto González, L Domínguez Hernández, Y Fonseca González, ...
ACIMED 16 (3), 0-0, 2007
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Articles 1–20