Seunghee Kim
Seunghee Kim
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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CO2 geological storage—Geotechnical implications
DN Espinoza, SH Kim, JC Santamarina
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 15 (4), 707-719, 2011
Above‐zone pressure monitoring and geomechanical analyses for a field‐scale CO2 injection project in Cranfield, MS
S Kim, SA Hosseini
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 4, 81-98, 2013
Hydro-thermo-mechanical analysis during injection of cold fluid into a geologic formation
S Kim, SA Hosseini
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 77, 220-236, 2015
Sustainable development and energy geotechnology—Potential roles for geotechnical engineering
RJ Fragaszy, JC Santamarina, A Amekudzi, D Assimaki, R Bachus, ...
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 15 (4), 611-621, 2011
Engineered CO2 injection: The use of surfactants for enhanced sweep efficiency
S Kim, JC Santamarina
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 20, 324-332, 2014
CO2-treatment of recycled concrete aggregates to improve mechanical and environmental properties for unbound applications
AH Zadeh, M Mamirov, S Kim, J Hu
Construction and Building Materials 275, 122180, 2021
Geological CO2 storage: Incorporation of pore pressure/stress coupling and thermal effect to determine maximum sustainable pressure limit
S Kim, SA Hosseini
Energy Procedia 63, 3339-3346, 2014
CO2 geological storage: hydro‐chemo‐mechanical analyses and implications
S Kim, JC Santamarina
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 4 (4), 528-543, 2014
Characterization and engineering properties of dry and ponded class-F fly ash
RC Bachus, M Terzariol, C Pasten, SH Chong, S Dai, MS Cha, S Kim, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (3), 04019003, 2019
Study on the ratio of pore-pressure/stress changes during fluid injection and its implications for CO2 geologic storage
S Kim, SA Hosseini
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016
Geomechanical and energy analysis on the small-and medium-scale CAES in salt domes
J Zhang, AH Zadeh, S Kim
Energy 221, 119861, 2021
Biosurfactant as an enhancer of geologic carbon storage: Microbial modification of interfacial tension and contact angle in carbon dioxide/water/quartz systems
T Park, HW Joo, GY Kim, S Kim, S Yoon, TH Kwon
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 1285, 2017
Effect of reducing irreducible water saturation in a near-well region on CO2 injectivity and storage capacity
YC Park, S Kim, JH Lee, YJ Shinn
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86, 134-145, 2019
Geometry‐coupled reactive fluid transport at the fracture scale: application to CO2 geologic storage
S Kim, JC Santamarina
Geofluids 16, 329-341, 2016
Characteristics of formation and dissociation of CO2 hydrates at different CO2-Water ratios in a bulk condition
AH Zadeh, I Kim, S Kim
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196, 108027, 2021
Utilizing building foundations as micro-scale compressed air energy storage vessel: Numerical study for mechanical feasibility
J Ko, S Kim, S Kim, H Seo
Journal of Energy Storage 28, 101225, 2020
Microfluidic study on the two-phase fluid flow in porous media during repetitive drainage-imbibition cycles and implications to the CAES Operation
J Zhang, H Zhang, D Lee, S Ryu, S Kim
Transport in porous Media 131 (2), 449-472, 2020
Reactive fluid flow in CO2 storage reservoirs: A 2‐D pore network model study
S Kim, JC Santamarina
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 5 (4), 462-473, 2015
Advanced analysis of masonry retaining walls using mixed discrete–continuum approach
B Pulatsu, S Kim, E Erdogmus, PB Lourenço
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical Engineering …, 2021
Compressed air energy storage (CAES): current status, geomechanical aspects and future opportunities
S Kim, M Dusseault, O Babarinde, J Wickens
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Articles 1–20