Rebecca Lievesley
Rebecca Lievesley
NTU Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University
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The internalization of social stigma among minor-attracted persons: Implications for treatment
R Lievesley, CA Harper, H Elliott
Archives of Sexual Behavior 49 (4), 1291-1304, 2020
Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study
CA Harper, R Lievesley, NJ Blagden, K Hocken
Archives of sexual behavior 51 (2), 945-960, 2022
Evaluation of the use of pharmacological treatment with prisoners experiencing high levels of hypersexual disorder
B Winder, R Lievesley, H Elliott, K Hocken, J Faulkner, C Norman, A Kaul
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 29 (1), 53-71, 2018
Preliminary evaluation of the use of pharmacological treatment with convicted sexual offenders experiencing high levels of sexual preoccupation, hypersexuality and/or sexual …
B Winder, R Lievesley, A Kaul, HJ Elliott, K Thorne, K Hocken
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 25 (2), 176-194, 2014
Sex doll ownership: An agenda for research
CA Harper, R Lievesley
Current Psychiatry Reports 22, 1-8, 2020
Understanding service users’ and therapists’ experiences of pharmacological treatment for sexual preoccupation and/or hypersexuality in incarcerated sex offenders
R Lievesley, HJ Elliott, B Winder, C Norman
The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 25 (3), 262-287, 2014
Exploring the psychological characteristics and risk-related cognitions of individuals who own sex dolls
CA Harper, R Lievesley, K Wanless
The Journal of Sex Research 60 (2), 190-205, 2023
“We Do Exist”: The experiences of women living with a sexual interest in minors
R Lievesley, R Lapworth
Archives of sexual behavior 51 (2), 879-896, 2022
Understanding the needs of individuals at risk of perpetrating child sexual abuse: A practitioner perspective
S Goodier, R Lievesley
Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice 18 (1), 77-98, 2018
Primary health professionals’ beliefs, experiences, and willingness to treat minor-attracted persons
R Lievesley, H Swaby, CA Harper, E Woodward
Archives of Sexual Behavior 51 (2), 923-943, 2022
Applying desistance principles to improve wellbeing and prevent child sexual abuse among minor-attracted persons
R Lievesley, CA Harper
Journal of Sexual Aggression 28 (1), 1-14, 2022
Exploring the ownership of child-like sex dolls
CA Harper, R Lievesley
Archives of sexual behavior 51 (8), 4141-4156, 2022
Emotions and sexual offending
N Blagden, R Lievesley, J Ware
Sexual offending: Cognition, emotion and motivation, 71-88, 2017
‘The resurrection after the old has gone and the new has come’: understanding narratives of forgiveness, redemption and resurrection in Christian individuals serving time in …
N Blagden, B Winder, R Lievesley
Psychology, crime & law 26 (1), 34-52, 2020
Identifying and working with appropriate treatment targets with people who are sexually attracted to children
R Lievesley, CA Harper, H Swaby, E Woodward
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 49 (5), 497-516, 2023
“Because you’ve got faith it doesn’t mean that you’ve got wings on your back”: A qualitative analysis of the accounts of Christian prisoners serving time for a sexual offence
B Winder, N Blagden, R Lievesley
Journal of Sexual Aggression 24 (2), 240-256, 2018
The ‘perfect’partner: Understanding the lived experiences of men who own sex dolls
R Lievesley, R Reynolds, CA Harper
Sexuality & Culture 27 (4), 1419-1441, 2023
Development and validation of the Good Lives Questionnaire
CA Harper, R Lievesley, N Blagden, G Akerman, B Winder, ...
Psychology, Crime & Law 27 (7), 678-703, 2021
Evaluation of the use of ‘Good Vibrations’ percussion courses to improve motivation to change and treatment readiness with convicted sexual offenders embarking on treatment …
B Winder, V Sperling, H Elliott, R Lievesley, J Faulkner, N Blagden
Sexual Offences, Crime and Misconduct Research Unit, Psychology, Nottingham …, 2015
Understanding the journeys of high‐risk male sex offenders voluntarily receiving medication to reduce their sexual preoccupation and/or hypersexuality
B Winder, R Lievesley, HJ Elliott, C Norman, A Kaul
Sex offender treatment: A case study approach to issues and interventions …, 2014
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