Articles with public access mandates - Yuri HovanskiLearn more
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Temperature and material flow prediction in friction-stir spot welding of advanced high-strength steel
M Miles, U Karki, Y Hovanski
Jom 66, 2130-2136, 2014
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Friction stir lap welding of aluminum—Polymer using scribe technology
P Upadhyay, Y Hovanski, LS Fifield, KL Simmons
Friction stir welding and processing VIII, 153-161, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Solid-state joining of thick-section dissimilar materials using a new friction stir dovetailing (FSD) process
M Reza-E-Rabby, K Ross, S Whalen, Y Hovanski, M McDonnell
Friction stir welding and processing IX, 67-77, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Energy, US Department of Defense
Predicting lap shear strength for friction stir scribe joining of dissimilar materials
EI Barker, P Upadhyay, Y Hovanski, X Sun
Friction Stir Welding and Processing IX, 261-267, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Aluminum Tailor-Welded Blanks for High Volume Automotive Applications
Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, S Pilli, B Carlson, J Carsley, S Hartfield-Wunsch, ...
Light Metals 2014, 265-270, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Galvanically Graded Interface: A Computational Model for Mitigating Galvanic Corrosion Between Magnesium and Mild Steel
KA Spies, VV Viswanathan, A Soulami, Y Hovanski, VV Joshi
Magnesium Technology 2019, 135-144, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Prediction of Joint Line Movement and Temperatures in Friction Stir Spot Welding of DP 980 Steel
MP Miles, U Karki, T Lee, Y Hovanski
Friction Stir Welding and Processing VIII, 229-240, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Solid state joining of magnesium to steel
S Jana, Y Hovanski, SP Pilli, DP Field, H Yu, TY Pan, ML Santella
Magnesium technology 2012, 11-16, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Energy
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Evaluation of intermetallic compound layer at aluminum/steel interface joined by friction stir scribe technology
T Wang, H Sidhar, RS Mishra, Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, B Carlson
Materials & Design 174, 107795, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
High-speed friction stir welding of AA7075-T6 sheet: microstructure, mechanical properties, micro-texture, and thermal history
J Zhang, P Upadhyay, Y Hovanski, DP Field
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 210-222, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Energy
High-speed friction-stir welding to enable aluminum tailor-welded blanks
Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, J Carsley, T Luzanski, B Carlson, ...
Jom 67, 1045-1053, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Friction stir scribe welding technique for dissimilar joining of aluminium and galvanised steel
T Wang, H Sidhar, RS Mishra, Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, B Carlson
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 23 (3), 249-255, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Effect of hook characteristics on the fracture behaviour of dissimilar friction stir welded aluminium alloy and mild steel sheets
T Wang, H Sidhar, RS Mishra, Y Hovanski, P Upadhyay, B Carlson
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 24 (2), 178-184, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy, US Department of …
Thermal microstructural stability of AZ31 magnesium after severe plastic deformation
JP Young, H Askari, Y Hovanski, MJ Heiden, DP Field
Materials Characterization 101, 9-19, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Microstructural characterization of friction stir welded aluminum-steel joints
EE Patterson, Y Hovanski, DP Field
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 2815-2829, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Processing, Microstructure and Mechanical Property Correlation in Al-B4C Surface Composite Produced via Friction Stir Processing
M Komarasamy, RS Mishra, JA Baumann, G Grant, Y Hovanski
Friction Stir Welding and Processing VII, 39-46, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Friction-stir welding and processing
Y Hovanski, JE Carsley, KD Clarke, PE Krajewski
JOM 67, 996-997, 2015
Mandates: US Department of Energy
Friction stir scribe welding of dissimilar aluminum to steel lap joints
T Curtis, C Widener, M West, B Jasthi, Y Hovanski, B Carlson, ...
Friction stir welding and processing VIII, 163-169, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Enabling dissimilar material joining using friction stir scribe technology
Y Hovanski, P Upadyay, S Kleinbaum, B Carlson, E Boettcher, ...
Jom 69, 1060-1064, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Energy
2D axisymmetric modeling of refill friction stir spot welding and experimental validation
E Berger, M Miles, A Curtis, P Blackhurst, Y Hovanski
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 6 (4), 89, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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