Misha Kilmer
Cited by
Cited by
Factorization strategies for third-order tensors
ME Kilmer, CD Martin
Linear Algebra and its Applications 435 (3), 641-658, 2011
Third-order tensors as operators on matrices: A theoretical and computational framework with applications in imaging
ME Kilmer, K Braman, N Hao, RC Hoover
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 34 (1), 148-172, 2013
Imaging the body with diffuse optical tomography
DA Boas, DH Brooks, EL Miller, CA DiMarzio, M Kilmer, RJ Gaudette, ...
IEEE signal processing magazine 18 (6), 57-75, 2001
Novel methods for multilinear data completion and de-noising based on tensor-SVD
Z Zhang, G Ely, S Aeron, N Hao, M Kilmer
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2014
Choosing regularization parameters in iterative methods for ill-posed problems
ME Kilmer, DP O'Leary
SIAM Journal on matrix analysis and applications 22 (4), 1204-1221, 2001
Tensor-based formulation and nuclear norm regularization for multienergy computed tomography
O Semerci, N Hao, ME Kilmer, EL Miller
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (4), 1678-1693, 2014
Efficient determination of multiple regularization parameters in a generalizedL-curve framework
M Belge, ME Kilmer, EL Miller
Inverse problems 18 (4), 1161, 2002
Tensor–tensor products with invertible linear transforms
E Kernfeld, M Kilmer, S Aeron
Linear Algebra and its Applications 485, 545-570, 2015
Wavelet domain image restoration with adaptive edge-preserving regularization
M Belge, ME Kilmer, EL Miller
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9 (4), 597-608, 2000
Tomographic optical breast imaging guided by three-dimensional mammography
A Li, EL Miller, ME Kilmer, TJ Brukilacchio, T Chaves, J Stott, Q Zhang, ...
Applied optics 42 (25), 5181-5190, 2003
Facial recognition using tensor-tensor decompositions
N Hao, ME Kilmer, K Braman, RC Hoover
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 6 (1), 437-463, 2013
Exploiting residual information in the parameter choice for discrete ill-posed problems
PC Hansen, ME Kilmer, RH Kjeldsen
BIT Numerical Mathematics 46, 41-59, 2006
A comparison study of linear reconstruction techniques for diffuse optical tomographic imaging of absorption coefficient
RJ Gaudette, DH Brooks, CA DiMarzio, ME Kilmer, EL Miller, T Gaudette, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 45 (4), 1051, 2000
Parametric level set methods for inverse problems
A Aghasi, M Kilmer, EL Miller
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (2), 618-650, 2011
A projection-based approach to general-form Tikhonov regularization
ME Kilmer, PC Hansen, MI Espanol
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29 (1), 315-330, 2007
Recycling subspace information for diffuse optical tomography
ME Kilmer, E De Sturler
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 (6), 2140-2166, 2006
Optimal linear inverse solution with multiple priors in diffuse optical tomography
A Li, G Boverman, Y Zhang, D Brooks, EL Miller, ME Kilmer, Q Zhang, ...
Applied optics 44 (10), 1948-1956, 2005
A third-order generalization of the matrix SVD as a product of third-order tensors
ME Kilmer, CD Martin, L Perrone
Tufts University, Department of Computer Science, Tech. Rep. TR-2008-4, 2008
Randomized algorithms for low-rank tensor decompositions in the Tucker format
R Minster, AK Saibaba, ME Kilmer
SIAM journal on mathematics of data science 2 (1), 189-215, 2020
A tensor-based dictionary learning approach to tomographic image reconstruction
S Soltani, ME Kilmer, PC Hansen
BIT Numerical Mathematics 56, 1425-1454, 2016
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Articles 1–20