Gloria Machado Rodriguez
Cited by
Cited by
QTL for seed iron and zinc concentration and content in a Mesoamerican common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) population
MW Blair, JI Medina, C Astudillo, J Rengifo, SE Beebe, G Machado, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 121, 1059-1070, 2010
Genetic and physical location of the Escherichia coli rap locus, which is essential for growth of bacteriophage lambda
G Guarneros, G Machado, P Guzman, E Garay
Journal of bacteriology 169 (11), 5188-5192, 1987
Specific de-SUMOylation triggered by acquisition of spatial learning is related to epigenetic changes in the rat hippocampus
S Castro-Gomez, A Barrera-Ocampo, G Machado-Rodriguez, ...
Neuroreport 24 (17), 976-981, 2013
Easy and fast procedure to isolate, purify and immortalize DNA fragments for allelic ladders construction
G Burgos, T Restrepo, A Ibarra, A Gaviria, G Machado, C Mora, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 5, e656-e658, 2015
Elucidating multi-input processing 3-node gene regulatory network topologies capable of generating striped gene expression patterns
JC Arboleda-Rivera, G Machado-Rodríguez, BA Rodríguez, J Gutiérrez
PLoS computational biology 18 (2), e1009704, 2022
Allelic frequencies and forensic parameters for miniSTRs D10S1248, D14S1434 and D22S1045 (NC01) in a sample from Central Andean Colombian region
G Burgos, T Restrepo, A Ibarra, A Gaviria, G Machado, C Mora, ...
Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 5, e81-e82, 2015
A biological rhythm in the hypothalamic system links sleep-wake cycles with feeding-fasting cycles
YS Tamayo-Molina, MA Giraldo, BA Rodríguez, G Machado-Rodríguez
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 28897, 2024
Parasitic and Commensal interactions among Mimiviruses, Sputnik-like virophages, and Transpovirons: A theoretical and dynamical systems approach
E Ortega-Atehortúa, N Rivera Parra, BA Rodríguez, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.09. 13.610890, 2024
Análisis comparativo de amplificación de marcadores genéticos STR’sy SNP’s en muestras óseas
YCP Posada, MEM Barbosa, GM Rodríguez, M Fondevila, A Carracedo
Iatreia 23 (4-S), 2010
Seguimiento y evaluación molecular de quimerismo en pacientes trasplantados con precursores hematopoyéticos alogénicos
ÁMR Cárdenas, OP Salas, GV Palacio, G Machado, L Senet, ...
Iatreia 23 (4-S), 2010
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Articles 1–10