Seyed Sobhan Aleyasin
Seyed Sobhan Aleyasin
PhD, Texas A&M University
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Efficiency enhancement of solar chimney power plant by use of waste heat from nuclear power plant
N Fathi, P McDaniel, SS Aleyasin, M Robinson, P Vorobieff, S Rodriguez, ...
Journal of cleaner production 180, 407-416, 2018
PIV measurements in the near and intermediate field regions of jets issuing from eight different nozzle geometries
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 99, 329-351, 2017
Experimental investigation of nozzle spacing effects on characteristics of round twin free jets
A Laban, SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Journal of Fluids Engineering 141 (7), 071201, 2019
Statistical properties of round, square, and elliptic jets at low and moderate Reynolds numbers
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Journal of Fluids Engineering 139 (10), 101206, 2017
Statistical properties and structural analysis of three-dimensional twin round jets due to variation in Reynolds number
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 76, 215-230, 2019
Numerical-analytical assessment on solar chimney power plant
N Fathi, A Seyed Sobhan, P Vorobieff
Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016
Characteristics of flow past elongated bluff bodies with underbody gaps due to varying inflow turbulence
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, R Balachandar
Physics of Fluids 33 (12), 2021
On the development of incompressible round and equilateral triangular jets due to Reynolds number variation
SS Aleyasin, N Fathi, MF Tachie, P Vorobieff, M Koupriyanov
Journal of fluids engineering 140 (11), 111202, 2018
Comparison of turbulent jets issuing from various sharp contoured nozzles
SS Aleyasin, N Fathi, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 58066, V01CT23A016, 2017
Experimental-numerical analysis of turbulent incompressible isothermal jets
SS Aleyasin, N Fathi, MF Tachie, P Vorobieff, M Koupriyanov
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 58066, V01CT23A015, 2017
Turbulent separations around a slanted-back Ahmed body with square and rounded leading edge
A Sagharichi, SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
Physics of Fluids 35 (4), 2023
Experimental study of the Type VI stilling basin performance
S Sobhan Aleyasin, N Fathi, P Vorobieff
Journal of Fluids Engineering 137 (3), 034503, 2015
V&V exercise for a solar tower power plant
N Fathi, P Vorobief, SS Aleyasin
ASME Verification and Validation Symposium, 2014
Particle image velocimetry measurements of turbulent jets issuing from twin elliptic nozzles with various orientations
EM Morris, N Biswas, SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
Journal of Fluids Engineering 143 (2), 021501, 2021
Comparative evaluation of single/twin round and elliptic jets using particle image velocimetry
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie
Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 51555, V001T06A018, 2018
Inflatable, free-standing solar updraft tower with optimal geometry and active control
PV Vorobieff, N Fathi, AA Mammoli, V Putkaradze, M Chi, SS Aleyasin, ...
US Patent 10,006,443, 2018
Turbulent properties of triple elliptic free jets with various nozzle orientation
EM Morris, SS Aleyasin, N Biswas, MF Tachie
Journal of Fluids Engineering 142 (3), 031106, 2020
Experimental Investigation of Nozzle Orientation Effects on Mixing Characteristics of Elliptic Triple Free Jets
EM Morris, SS Aleyasin, N Biswas, MF Tachie
ASME-JSME-KSME 2019 8th Joint Fluids Engineering Conference, 2019
Low Reynolds number effects on jets issuing from round and elliptic orifices
SS Aleyasin, MF Tachie, M Koupriyanov, T Epp
Eighth international symposium on turbulence heat and mass transfer, 8, 2015
On conjugate heat transfer in microchannel heat sinks
N Fathi, M Pourghasemi, SS Aleyasin, L Savoldi, S Rodriguez
International Journal of Thermofluids 22, 100658, 2024
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Articles 1–20