Giacomo Moretti
Giacomo Moretti
Assistant professor in Mechanics of Machines, University of Trento, Italy
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A review of dielectric elastomer generator systems
G Moretti, S Rosset, R Vertechy, I Anderson, M Fontana
Advanced Intelligent Systems 2 (10), 2000125, 2020
Resonant wave energy harvester based on dielectric elastomer generator
G Moretti, GPR Papini, M Righi, D Forehand, D Ingram, R Vertechy, ...
Smart Materials and Structures 27 (3), 035015, 2018
Experimental characterization of thermally-activated artificial muscles based on coiled nylon fishing lines
A Cherubini, G Moretti, R Vertechy, M Fontana
Aip Advances 5 (6), 2015
Modelling and testing of a wave energy converter based on dielectric elastomer generators
G Moretti, GP Rosati Papini, L Daniele, D Forehand, D Ingram, R Vertechy, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 475 (2222), 20180566, 2019
Dielectric elastomer materials for large-strain actuation and energy harvesting: a comparison between styrenic rubber, natural rubber and acrylic elastomer
Y Chen, L Agostini, G Moretti, M Fontana, R Vertechy
Smart Materials and Structures 28 (11), 114001, 2019
Parallelogram-shaped dielectric elastomer generators: Analytical model and experimental validation
G Moretti, M Fontana, R Vertechy
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 26 (6), 740-751, 2015
Advances in the development of dielectric elastomer generators for wave energy conversion
G Moretti, MS Herran, D Forehand, M Alves, H Jeffrey, R Vertechy, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 117, 109430, 2020
Modelling and field testing of a breakwater-integrated U-OWC wave energy converter with dielectric elastomer generator
G Moretti, G Malara, A Scialò, L Daniele, A Romolo, R Vertechy, ...
Renewable Energy 146, 628-642, 2020
Fabrication and test of an inflated circular diaphragm dielectric elastomer generator based on PDMS rubber composite
G Moretti, M Righi, R Vertechy, M Fontana
Polymers 9 (7), 283, 2017
A multi‐mode, multi‐frequency dielectric elastomer actuator
S Gratz‐Kelly, G Rizzello, M Fontana, S Seelecke, G Moretti
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (34), 2201889, 2022
Electrostatic bellow muscle actuators and energy harvesters that stack up
ID Sîrbu, G Moretti, G Bortolotti, M Bolignari, S Dirè, L Fambri, R Vertechy, ...
Science Robotics 6 (51), eaaz5796, 2021
Control of an oscillating water column wave energy converter based on dielectric elastomer generator
GP Rosati Papini, G Moretti, R Vertechy, M Fontana
Nonlinear Dynamics 92, 181-202, 2018
Model-based design and optimization of a dielectric elastomer power take-off for oscillating wave surge energy converters
G Moretti, M Fontana, R Vertechy
Meccanica 50, 2797-2813, 2015
High-frequency voltage-driven vibrations in dielectric elastomer membranes
G Moretti, G Rizzello, M Fontana, S Seelecke
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 168, 108677, 2022
Experimental characterization of a new class of polymeric-wire coiled transducers
G Moretti, A Cherubini, R Vertechy, M Fontana
Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2015 9432 …, 2015
Modeling of an oscillating wave surge converter with dielectric elastomer power take-off
G Moretti, D Forehand, R Vertechy, M Fontana, D Ingram
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 45530 …, 2014
Field experiments on dielectric elastomer generators integrated on a U-OWC wave energy converter
F Arena, L Daniele, V Fiamma, M Fontana, G Malara, G Moretti, A Romolo, ...
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 51319 …, 2018
Electrostatic actuators with constant force at low power loss using matched dielectrics
ID Sîrbu, D Preninger, D Danninger, L Penkner, R Schwödiauer, G Moretti, ...
Nature Electronics 6 (11), 888-899, 2023
An audio-tactile interface based on dielectric elastomer actuators
S Gratz-Kelly, T Krüger, G Rizzello, S Seelecke, G Moretti
Smart Materials and Structures 32 (3), 034005, 2023
A broadbanded pressure differential wave energy converter based on dielectric elastomer generators
M Righi, G Moretti, D Forehand, L Agostini, R Vertechy, M Fontana
Nonlinear Dynamics 105 (4), 2861-2876, 2021
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Articles 1–20