Articles with public access mandates - Ilias MavromatisLearn more
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A Wiener path integral formalism for treating nonlinear systems with non-Markovian response processes
IG Mavromatis, AF Psaros, IA Kougioumtzoglou
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 149 (1), 04022092, 2023
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
A Reduced-Order Wiener Path Integral Formalism for Determining the Stochastic Response of Nonlinear Systems With Fractional Derivative Elements
IG Mavromatis, IA Kougioumtzoglou
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B …, 2023
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
Fractional-order filter approximations for efficient stochastic response determination of wind-excited linear structural systems
L Roncallo, I Mavromatis, IA Kougioumtzoglou, F Tubino
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 78, 103696, 2024
Mandates: European Commission
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