Chu Wang
Chu Wang
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Cited by
Experimental study of the freeze thaw characteristics of expansive soil slope models with different initial moisture contents
Z Yang, J Lv, W Shi, C Jia, C Wang, Y Hong, X Ling
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 23177, 2021
Analytical solutions for heat transfer in saturated soil with effective porosity
C Wang, PJ Fox
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (9), 04020095, 2020
Numerical model for heat transfer in saturated layered soil with effective porosity
C Wang, PJ Fox
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 146 (12), 04020135, 2020
Dynamic properties of expansive soil-rubber under freeze–thaw cycles
Z Yang, Z Lu, W Shi, C Wang, X Ling, X Liu, D Guan, Z Cheng
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (4), 04023026, 2023
Investigation of rubber content and size on dynamic properties of expansive soil–rubber
ZN Yang, ZC Lu, W Shi, C Wang, XZ Ling, J Li, D Guan
Geosynthetics International 31 (3), 269-282, 2023
Numerical model for heat transfer in layered soil with local thermal nonequilibrium
C Wang, PJ Fox
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 148 (4), 04022005, 2022
Validity of local thermal equilibrium assumption for heat transfer in a saturated soil layer
C Wang, PJ Fox
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 149 (5), 06023002, 2023
Elastic–Plastic Constitutive Relationship of Polymer Fiber–Reinforced Clay Considering the Effect of Anisotropic Distribution
Z Yang, Z Sun, G Cai, C Wang, X Ling, R Wang
International Journal of Geomechanics 24 (10), 04024215, 2024
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer in Layered Saturated Soil
C Wang, PJ Fox
Geo-Congress 2020, 78-85, 2020
Numerical model for heat transfer in saturated layered soil with effective porosity.
PJ Fox, C Wang
Effect of periodic surface temperature on heat transfer in layered saturated soil
C Wang, PJ Fox
E3S Web of Conferences 205, 04003, 2020
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Articles 1–11