Mohammad Sina Sarmadi
Cited by
Cited by
Comparison of different extracting agents for the recovery of Pb and Zn through electrokinetic remediation of mine tailings
G Asadollahfardi, MS Sarmadi, M Rezaee, A Khodadadi-Darban, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 279, 111728, 2021
Effect of kerosene contamination on the physical and mechanical properties of sandy soil
MS Sarmadi, P Zohrevand, M Rezaee
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 4, 1-9, 2019
Experimental investigation of the effects of gas oil and benzene on the geotechnical properties of sandy soils
F Hanaei, MS Sarmadi, M Rezaee, A Rahmani
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 6, 1-8, 2021
Internalization of environmental values in the education system
SZ Shamsi Papkiade, MS Sarmadi
Human & Environment; Iranian Society of Environmentalists (IRSEN) 17 (2), 65-78, 2019
Studying the Efficiency of Deep Aerators Performance as a Replacement for Surface Aerators in Aerated Lagoons Process, a Step through Human Force Training in Water and …
M Delnavaz, MS Sarmadi, M Yazdani, A Sadeghi
Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development 5 …, 2017
Ammonia emissions from livestock facilities around an international airport, Tehran, Iran: An experimental and mathematical study
G Asadollahfardi, D Khoormehr, MS Sarmadi, M Mirmohammadi
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 43 (3), e14359, 2024
Evaluation of Enhanced Electrokinetic Remediation of Arsenic from Cold Filter Cake: Zinc-Leaching Sediment
G Asadollahfardi, M Yazdani, MS Sarmadi, A Khodadadi Darban
Journal of Environmental Engineering 148 (12), 04022079, 2022
An Analysis of Methods and Technologies for Improving Electrochemical Remediation in Contaminated Soils in Order to Achieve Green Technology, a New Step In Sustainable …
MS Sarmadi, G Asadollahfardi
Quarterly Journal of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development 7 …, 2018
A Review on the Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Heavy Metals and Organic Pollutants Using Enhanced Electrokinetic remediation
G Asadollahfardi, MS Sarmadi
Conference on Civil engineering, Architecture, and Urbanism of the Islamic …, 2018
The efficiency of deep Aerators performance as a replace for surface Aerators in Aerated Lagoons process
M Delnavaz, MS Sarmadi, M Yazdani, A Sadeghi
International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Urban …, 2017
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Articles 1–10