Kathryn M. Bateman
Cited by
Cited by
Mapping the increasing sophistication of students’ understandings of plate tectonics: A learning progressions approach
S McDonald, K Bateman, H Gall, A Tanis-Ozcelik, A Webb, T Furman
Journal of Geoscience Education 67 (1), 83-96, 2019
Dialogic meta-ethnography: troubling methodology in ethnographically informed qualitative inquiry
BJ Sherman, KM Bateman, S Jeong, LA Hudock
Cultural Studies of Science Education 16, 279-302, 2021
Explicit instruction of scientific uncertainty in an undergraduate geoscience field-based course
KM Bateman, CG Wilson, RT Williams, B Tikoff, TF Shipley
Science & Education 31 (6), 1541-1566, 2022
Sustainability science education: our animalistic response-ability
KM Bateman, D Steele, CM Sexton
Cultural studies of science education 16, 841-855, 2021
Practice-embedded methods courses for preservice teachers
S McDonald, K Bateman, J McCausland
Preparing science teachers through practice-based teacher education, 171-186, 2020
Scaffolding geology content and spatial skills with playdough modeling in the field and classroom
KM Bateman, J Ham, N Barshi, B Tikoff, TF Shipley
Journal of Geoscience Education 71 (1), 43-57, 2023
Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic: How faculty experiences can prepare us for future system-wide disruption
KM Bateman, E Altermatt, AE Egger, E Iverson, C Manduca, EM Riggs, ...
GSA Today, 2022
Assembling policy dilemmas: science teacher responses to educational policy
KM Bateman
The Pennsylvania State University, 2019
Science teachers’ negotiation of professional vision around dilemmas of science teaching in a professional development context
J McCausland, J Jackson, S McDonald, K Bateman, A Pallant, HS Lee
Journal of Science Teacher Education 34 (7), 689-706, 2023
Partnerships for culturally relevant and sustaining pedagogies through community walks and mapping
K Bateman, J McCausland
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2020
Taking up the mantle of knowing: Supporting student engagement in progressive scientific discourse in geoscience
S McDonald, K Wray, J McCausland, K Bateman, A Pallant, HS Lee
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2020
Turning to dialogic reflexivity: An approach to fostering transdisciplinary research
B Sherman, K Bateman, D Steele
Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Education Research …, 2023
Ethics are not on the test: Diffraction and affect in education policy
KM Bateman, B Sherman, S Jeong
Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry 14 (1), 23-34, 2022
Adaptation principles to foster engagement and equity in project-based learning
EA Miller, T Li, K Bateman, S Akgün, H Makori, S Codere, S Richar, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences …, 2022
Teaching Uncertainty: A new framework for communicating unknowns in traditional and virtual field experiences
CG Wilson, RT Williams, K Bateman, B Tikoff, TF Shipley
Solid Earth Discussions 2021, 1-13, 2021
Strategies for effective unmanned aerial vehicle use in geological field studies based on cognitive science principles
KM Bateman, RT Williams, TF Shipley, B Tikoff, T Pavlis, CG Wilson, ...
Geosphere 18 (6), 1958-1973, 2022
Playdough modeling in geological field work to support spatial skills
K Bateman, J Ham, T Shipley, B Tikoff, N Barshi, C Ormand
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2020
Modeling the mechanism of plate tectonics
KM Bateman, S McDonald, H Gall, AT Ozcelik, A Webb, T Furman
Science Scope 42 (2), 45-54, 2018
Who Gets to Swim in the Hudson?: Exploring Human Impact on the Hudson River Over Time and Space
KM Bateman, J McCausland, N Walsh
Justice-Oriented Science Teaching and Learning: Anchoring Phenomena in …, 2025
Managing disruptions and dilemmas in online geoscience instruction during the early 2020 COVID-19 pandemic
KM Bateman, B Conrath, J Ham, A Egger, K St. John, T Shipley
Journal of Geoscience Education, 1-14, 2024
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Articles 1–20