Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi
Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi
Senior Solution Architect, Deep Learning in Healthcare @ NVIDIA
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Cited by
V-net: Fully convolutional neural networks for volumetric medical image segmentation
F Milletari, N Navab, SA Ahmadi
2016 fourth international conference on 3D vision (3DV), 565-571, 2016
Automatic liver and lesion segmentation in CT using cascaded fully convolutional neural networks and 3D conditional random fields
PF Christ, MEA Elshaer, F Ettlinger, S Tatavarty, M Bickel, P Bilic, ...
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2016
Hough-CNN: Deep learning for segmentation of deep brain regions in MRI and ultrasound
F Milletari, SA Ahmadi, C Kroll, A Plate, V Rozanski, J Maiostre, J Levin, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 164, 92-102, 2017
Automatic liver and tumor segmentation of CT and MRI volumes using cascaded fully convolutional neural networks
PF Christ, F Ettlinger, F Grün, MEA Elshaera, J Lipkova, S Schlecht, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.05970, 2017
Statistical modeling and recognition of surgical workflow
N Padoy, T Blum, SA Ahmadi, H Feussner, MO Berger, N Navab
Medical image analysis 16 (3), 632-641, 2012
InceptionGCN: receptive field aware graph convolutional network for disease prediction
A Kazi, S Shekarforoush, S Arvind Krishna, H Burwinkel, G Vivar, ...
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 26th International Conference …, 2019
DeepVOG: Open-source pupil segmentation and gaze estimation in neuroscience using deep learning
YH Yiu, M Aboulatta, T Raiser, L Ophey, VL Flanagin, P Zu Eulenburg, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 324, 108307, 2019
Differentiable graph module (dgm) for graph convolutional networks
A Kazi, L Cosmo, SA Ahmadi, N Navab, MM Bronstein
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45 (2), 1606-1617, 2022
Recovery of surgical workflow without explicit models
SA Ahmadi, T Sielhorst, R Stauder, M Horn, H Feussner, N Navab
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2006: 9th …, 2006
Standardized evaluation system for left ventricular segmentation algorithms in 3D echocardiography
O Bernard, JG Bosch, B Heyde, M Alessandrini, D Barbosa, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (4), 967-977, 2015
Latent-graph learning for disease prediction
L Cosmo, A Kazi, SA Ahmadi, N Navab, M Bronstein
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2020: 23rd …, 2020
Connectivity patterns of pallidal DBS electrodes in focal dystonia: a diffusion tensor tractography study
VE Rozanski, C Vollmar, JP Cunha, SMN Tafula, SA Ahmadi, M Patzig, ...
Neuroimage 84, 435-442, 2014
MR imaging differentiation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ based on relaxation and magnetic susceptibility properties
O Dietrich, J Levin, SA Ahmadi, A Plate, MF Reiser, K Bötzel, A Giese, ...
Neuroradiology 59, 403-409, 2017
Graph convolution based attention model for personalized disease prediction
A Kazi, S Shekarforoush, S Arvind Krishna, H Burwinkel, G Vivar, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2019: 22nd …, 2019
SurvivalNet: Predicting patient survival from diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images using cascaded fully convolutional and 3D convolutional neural networks
PF Christ, F Ettlinger, G Kaissis, S Schlecht, F Ahmaddy, F Grün, ...
2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017 …, 2017
Modern machine-learning can support diagnostic differentiation of central and peripheral acute vestibular disorders
SA Ahmadi, G Vivar, N Navab, K Möhwald, A Maier, H Hadzhikolev, ...
Journal of neurology 267, 143-152, 2020
Patient-specific 3D ultrasound simulation based on convolutional ray-tracing and appearance optimization
M Salehi, SA Ahmadi, R Prevost, N Navab, W Wein
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2015 …, 2015
A diffusion-based connectivity map of the GPi for optimised stereotactic targeting in DBS
NM da Silva, SA Ahmadi, SN Tafula, JPS Cunha, K Bötzel, C Vollmar, ...
Neuroimage 144, 83-91, 2017
Dosimetric impact of deep learning-based CT auto-segmentation on radiation therapy treatment planning for prostate cancer
M Kawula, D Purice, M Li, G Vivar, SA Ahmadi, K Parodi, C Belka, ...
Radiation Oncology 17 (1), 21, 2022
Cerebellar dizziness and vertigo: etiologies, diagnostic assessment, and treatment
A Zwergal, K Feil, R Schniepp, M Strupp
Seminars in Neurology 40 (01), 087-096, 2020
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Articles 1–20