Sven Gemballa
Sven Gemballa
Zentrum für Schulqualität & Lehrerbildung Bad.-Württ., University of Tuebingen Evolution and Ecology
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Convergent evolution in mechanical design of lamnid sharks and tunas
JM Donley, CA Sepulveda, P Konstantinidis, S Gemballa, RE Shadwick
Nature 429 (6987), 61-65, 2004
Can differences in learning strategies explain the benefits of learning from static and dynamic visualizations?
T Kühl, K Scheiter, P Gerjets, S Gemballa
Computers & Education 56 (1), 176-187, 2011
Ontogenetic and phylogenetic transformations of the ear ossicles in marsupial mammals
MR Sánchez‐Villagra, S Gemballa, S Nummela, KK Smith, W Maier
Journal of Morphology 251 (3), 219-238, 2002
Situated learning in the mobile age: Mobile devices on a field trip to the sea
VDI Pfeiffer, S Gemballa, H Jarodzka, K Scheiter, P Gerjets
ALT-J 17 (3), 187-199, 2009
Spatial arrangement of white muscle fibers and myoseptal tendons in fishes
S Gemballa, F Vogel
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2002
Homology of intermuscular bones in acanthomorph fishes
S Gemballa, R Britz
American Museum of Natural History 3241, 1-25, 1998
Structure, kinematics, and muscle dynamics in undulatory swimming
RE Shadwick, S Gemballa
Fish physiology 23, 241-280, 2005
The Embryonic and Larval Development of Polypterus senegalusCuvier, 1829: its Staging with Reference to External and Skeletal Features, Behaviour and …
P Bartsch, S Gemballa, T Piotrowski
Acta Zoologica 78 (4), 309-328, 1997
Evolutionary transformations of myoseptal tendons in gnathostomes
S Gemballa, L Ebmeyer, K Hagen, T Hannich, K Hoja, M Rolf, K Treiber, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Architecture of the integument in lower teleostomes: functional morphology and evolutionary implications
S Gemballa, P Bartsch
Journal of Morphology 253 (3), 290-309, 2002
Evolution of high‐performance swimming in sharks: Transformations of the musculotendinous system from subcarangiform to thunniform swimmers
S Gemballa, P Konstantinidis, JM Donley, C Sepulveda, RE Shadwick
Journal of Morphology 267 (4), 477-493, 2006
From head to tail: the myoseptal system in basal actinopterygians
S Gemballa, K Röder
Journal of Morphology 259 (2), 155-171, 2004
On the anatomy and development of the vertebral column and pterygiophores in Polypterus senegalus CUVIER, 1829 («Pisces», Polypteriformes)
P Bartsch, S Gemballa
Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere 122 …, 1992
Patterns of red muscle strain/activation and body kinematics during steady swimming in a lamnid shark, the shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus)
JM Donley, RE Shadwick, CA Sepulveda, P Konstantinidis, S Gemballa
Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (12), 2377-2387, 2005
Locomotory design of ‘cyclostome’fishes: spatial arrangement and architecture of myosepta and lamellae
F Vogel, S Gemballa
Acta Zoologica 81 (3), 267-283, 2000
Cytotoxic haplosclerid sponges preferred: a field study on the diet of the dotted sea slug Peltodoris atromaculata (Doridoidea: Nudibranchia)
S Gemballa, F Schermutzki
Marine Biology 144, 1213-1222, 2004
Structure and evolution of the horizontal septum in vertebrates
S Gemballa, K Hagen, K Röder, M Rolf, K Treiber
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16 (5), 966-975, 2003
Cruising specialists and accelerators–Are different types of fish locomotion driven by differently structured myosepta?
S Gemballa, K Treiber
Zoology 106 (3), 203-222, 2003
The myosepta in Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Cephalochordata): 3D reconstruction and microanatomy
S Gemballa, GW Weitbrecht, MR Sánchez-Villagra
Zoomorphology 122, 169-179, 2003
Comparing and combining traditional teaching approaches and the use of video clips for learning how to identify species in an aquarium
VDI Pfeiffer, K Scheiter, S Gemballa
Journal of Biological Education 46 (3), 140-148, 2012
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Articles 1–20