Michael James Simmonds
Michael James Simmonds
Project Scientist, UC San Diego
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Cited by
Thermal conductivity reduction of tungsten plasma facing material due to helium plasma irradiation in PISCES using the improved 3-omega method
S Cui, M Simmonds, W Qin, F Ren, GR Tynan, RP Doerner, R Chen
Journal of Nuclear Materials 486, 267-273, 2017
Reduced deuterium retention in simultaneously damaged and annealed tungsten
MJ Simmonds, YQ Wang, JL Barton, MJ Baldwin, JH Yu, RP Doerner, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 494, 67-71, 2017
Thermal conductivity degradation and recovery in ion beam damaged tungsten at different temperature
S Cui, RP Doerner, MJ Simmonds, C Xu, Y Wang, E Dechaumphai, E Fu, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 511, 141-147, 2018
Quantitatively measuring the influence of helium in plasma-exposed tungsten
RP Doerner, MJ Baldwin, M Simmonds, JH Yu, L Buzi, ...
Nuclear Materials and Energy 12, 372-378, 2017
PISCES-RF: a liquid-cooled high-power steady-state helicon plasma device
SC Thakur, MJ Simmonds, JF Caneses, F Chang, EM Hollmann, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (5), 055014, 2021
Deuterium retention and thermal conductivity in ion-beam displacement-damaged tungsten
GR Tynan, RP Doerner, J Barton, R Chen, S Cui, M Simmonds, Y Wang, ...
Nuclear materials and energy 12, 164-168, 2017
Deuterium desorption from tungsten using laser heating
JH Yu, M Simmonds, MJ Baldwin, RP Doerner
Nuclear Materials and Energy 12, 749-754, 2017
Deuterium retention in Be-D co-deposits formed over an ITER relevant parameter space
MJ Baldwin, MJ Simmonds, G De Temmerman, RP Doerner
Physica Scripta 2020 (T171), 014014, 2020
Pisces-RF: A helicon-plasma based linear-device for the study of fusion relevant plasma-materials-interactions
MJ Baldwin, D Nishijima, MI Patino, G Gunner, T Lynch, F Chang, ...
Nuclear Materials and Energy 36, 101477, 2023
Characterizing the plasma-induced thermal loads on a 200 kW light-ion helicon plasma source via infra-red thermography
JFC Marin, CJ Beers, SC Thakur, MJ Simmonds, RH Goulding, C Lau, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 30 (7), 075022, 2021
Testing and analysis of steady-state helicon plasma source for the Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment (MPEX)
A Lumsdaine, SC Thakur, J Tipton, M Simmonds, JFC Marin, R Goulding, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 160, 112001, 2020
Understanding hydrogen retention in damaged tungsten using experimentally-guided models of complex multispecies evolution
Q Yu, MJ Simmonds, R Doerner, GR Tynan, L Yang, BD Wirth, J Marian
Nuclear Fusion 60 (9), 096003, 2020
Time-resolved laser-induced desorption spectroscopy (LIDS) for quantified in-situ hydrogen isotope retention measurement and removal from plasma facing materials
JH Yu, MJ Baldwin, MJ Simmonds, A Založnik
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (7), 2019
Plasma-material-interaction research using PISCES linear plasma devices
MJ Baldwin, RP Doerner, D Nishijima, M Patino, MJ Simmonds, G Tynan, ...
Fusion Science and Technology 75 (7), 664-673, 2019
Modeling the sharp deuterium release from beryllium co-deposits
A Založnik, MJ Baldwin, MJ Simmonds, RP Doerner
Nuclear Fusion 59 (12), 126027, 2019
Isolating the detrapping of deuterium in heavy ion damaged tungsten via partial thermal desorption
MJ Simmonds, T Schwarz-Selinger, JH Yu, MJ Baldwin, RP Doerner, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 522, 158-167, 2019
Deuterium retention in re-solidified tungsten and beryllium
JH Yu, MJ Simmonds, MJ Baldwin, RP Doerner
Nuclear Materials and Energy 18, 297-306, 2019
Expanding the capability of reaction-diffusion codes using pseudo traps and temperature partitioning: Applied to hydrogen uptake and release from tungsten
MJ Simmonds, JH Yu, YQ Wang, MJ Baldwin, RP Doerner, GR Tynan
Journal of Nuclear Materials 508, 472-480, 2018
Studies of lithium deposition and D retention on tungsten samples exposed to Li-seeded plasmas in PISCES-A
FL Tabarés, D Alegre, M Baldwin, D Nishijima, M Simmonds, R Doerner, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 (4), 044006, 2017
A parametric study of helium retention in beryllium and its effect on deuterium retention
D Alegre, MJ Baldwin, M Simmonds, D Nishijima, EM Hollmann, ...
Physica Scripta 2017 (T170), 014028, 2017
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Articles 1–20