Articles with public access mandates - Edwin van DamLearn more
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Space-filling Latin hypercube designs for computer experiments
BGM Husslage, G Rennen, ER Van Dam, D Den Hertog
Optimization and Engineering 12, 611-630, 2011
Mandates: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Some spectral and quasi-spectral characterizations of distance-regular graphs
A Abiad, ER Van Dam, MA Fiol
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 143, 1-18, 2016
Mandates: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Government of Spain
On perturbations of almost distance-regular graphs
C Dalfó, ER van Dam, MA Fiol
Linear algebra and its applications 435 (10), 2626-2638, 2011
Mandates: Government of Spain
Dual concepts of almost distance-regularity and the spectral excess theorem
C Dalfó, ER van Dam, MA Fiol, E Garriga
Discrete Mathematics 312 (17), 2730-2734, 2012
Mandates: Government of Spain
Geometric aspects of 2-walk-regular graphs
M Camara, ER Van Dam, JH Koolen, J Park
Linear Algebra and its Applications 439 (9), 2692-2710, 2013
Mandates: Government of Spain
The Laplacian spectral excess theorem for distance-regular graphs
ER van Dam, MA Fiol
Linear Algebra and its Applications 458, 245-250, 2014
Mandates: Government of Spain
The characteristic polynomials of uniform double hyperstars and uniform hypertriangles
C Duan, ER van Dam, L Wang
Linear Algebra and its Applications 678, 16-32, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
All eigenvalues of the power hypergraph and signed subgraphs of a graph
L Chen, ER van Dam, C Bu
Linear Algebra and its Applications 676, 205-210, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Spectral radius and clique partitions of graphs
J Zhou, ER van Dam
Linear Algebra and its Applications 630, 84-94, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Partially metric association schemes with a multiplicity three
ER van Dam, JH Koolen, J Park
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 130, 19-48, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Geometric aspects of 2-walk-regular graphs
M Camara Vallejo, ER van Dam, JH Koolen, J Park
Open Access publications from Tilburg University, 2013
Mandates: Government of Spain
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