Articles with public access mandates - Chao-Hsien Chu 朱昭贤Learn more
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Redundant reader elimination in large-scale distributed RFID networks
M Ma, P Wang, CH Chu
IEEE internet of things journal 5 (2), 884-894, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Managing pharmaceuticals delivery service using a hybrid particle swarm intelligence approach
X Wu, R Li, CH Chu, R Amoasi, S Liu
Annals of Operations Research, 1-32, 2022
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Long-term event processing over data streams in cyber-physical systems
P Wang, M Ma, CH Chu
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2 (2), 1-23, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Model based energy consumption analysis of wireless cyber physical systems
P Wang, J Liu, J Lin, CH Chu
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 90, 1191-1204, 2018
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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Examining the intended and unintended consequences of organisational privacy safeguards
R Parks, H Xu, CH Chu, PB Lowry
European Journal of Information Systems 26 (1), 37-65, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Incrementally updateable honey password vaults
H Cheng, W Li, P Wang, CH Chu, K Liang
30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 21), 857-874, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Probability model transforming encoders against encoding attacks
H Cheng, Z Zheng, W Li, P Wang, CH Chu
28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 19), 1573-1590, 2019
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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