Lan Zhou
Cited by
Cited by
Design of Observer-Based Robust Repetitive-Control System
M Wu, L Zhou, J She
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (6), 1452-1457, 2011
Design of a modified repetitive-control system based on a continuous–discrete 2D model
J She, L Zhou, M Wu, J Zhang, Y He
Automatica 48 (5), 844-850, 2012
Robust H∞ control of an observer-based repetitive-control system
L Zhou, J She, S Zhou
Journal of the Franklin Institute 355 (12), 4952-4969, 2018
Compensation for state‐dependent nonlinearity in a modified repetitive control system
L Zhou, J She, S Zhou, C Li
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (1), 213-226, 2018
Estimation and rejection of aperiodic disturbance in a modified repetitive‐control system
L Zhou, J She, M Wu, Y He, S Zhou
IET Control Theory & Applications 8 (10), 882-889, 2014
Generalized extended state observer–based repetitive control for systems with mismatched disturbances
L Zhou, L Cheng, J She, Z Zhang
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (11), 3777-3792, 2019
Performance enhancement of RCS and application to tracking control of chuck-workpiece systems
L Zhou, J She, XM Zhang, Z Cao, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (5), 4056-4065, 2019
Design of a robust observer-based modified repetitive-control system
L Zhou, J She, M Wu, Y He
ISA transactions 52 (3), 375-382, 2013
Improving disturbance-rejection performance in a modified repetitive-control system based on equivalent-input-disturbance approach
L Zhou, J She, XM Zhang, Z Zhang
International Journal of Systems Science 51 (1), 49-60, 2020
Design of robust output-feedback repetitive controller for class of linear systems with uncertainties
M Wu, L Zhou, JH She, Y He
Science China Information Sciences 53, 1006-1015, 2010
Design of robust modified repetitive-control system for linear periodic plants
L Zhou, J She, M Wu, J Zhang
Generalized-extended-state-observer-based repetitive control for DC motor servo system with mismatched disturbances
L Zhou, F Jiang, J She, Z Zhang
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 18 (8), 1936-1945, 2020
Aperiodic disturbance rejection in a modified repetitive‐control system with non‐linear uncertainty
L Zhou, J She, Y He, C Li
IET Control Theory & Applications 10 (18), 2394-2402, 2016
Design of a robust output-feedback-based modified repetitive-control system
L Zhou, J She
International Journal of Systems Science 46 (5), 808-817, 2015
A 2D system approach to the design of a robust modified repetitive-control system with a dynamic output-feedback controller
L Zhou, J She, S Zhou
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 24 (2 …, 2014
Generalized-extended-state-observer-based repetitive control for MIMO systems with mismatched disturbances
L Zhou, J She
IEEE Access 6, 61377-61385, 2018
Additive-State-Decomposition-Based Repetitive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Multiple Mismatched Disturbances
L Zhou, J She, XM Zhang, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (12), 12565-12574, 2020
Command-filtered backstepping repetitive control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems based on additive state decomposition
L Zhou, C Liao, J She, Y He, H Li
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022
A one-step method of designing an observer-based modified repetitive-control system
L Zhou, J She, M Wu
International Journal of Systems Science 46 (14), 2617-2627, 2015
Design of a discrete-time output-feedback based repetitive-control system
L Zhou, JH She, M Wu
International Journal of Automation and Computing 10 (4), 343-349, 2013
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Articles 1–20