Apu Kumar Saha
Cited by
Cited by
A novel enhanced whale optimization algorithm for global optimization
S Chakraborty, AK Saha, S Sharma, S Mirjalili, R Chakraborty
Computers & Industrial Engineering 153, 107086, 2021
An enhanced whale optimization algorithm for large scale optimization problems
S Chakraborty, AK Saha, R Chakraborty, M Saha
Knowledge-Based Systems 233, 107543, 2021
COVID-19 X-ray image segmentation by modified whale optimization algorithm with population reduction
S Chakraborty, AK Saha, S Nama, S Debnath
Computers in Biology and Medicine 139, 104984, 2021
A hybrid whale optimization algorithm for global optimization
S Chakraborty, AK Saha, S Sharma, R Chakraborty, S Debnath
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (1), 431-467, 2023
SHADE–WOA: A metaheuristic algorithm for global optimization
S Chakraborty, S Sharma, AK Saha, S Chakraborty
Applied Soft Computing 113, 107866, 2021
Improved backtracking search algorithm for pseudo dynamic active earth pressure on retaining wall supporting c-Ф backfill
S Nama, AK Saha, S Ghosh
Applied Soft Computing 52, 885-897, 2017
mLBOA: A modified butterfly optimization algorithm with lagrange interpolation for global optimization
S Sharma, S Chakraborty, AK Saha, S Nama, SK Sahoo
Journal of Bionic Engineering 19 (4), 1161-1176, 2022
m-MBOA: a novel butterfly optimization algorithm enhanced with mutualism scheme
S Sharma, AK Saha
Soft Computing 24 (7), 4809-4827, 2020
AHP-TOPSIS inspired shopping mall site selection problem with fuzzy data
N Ghorui, A Ghosh, EA Algehyne, SP Mondal, AK Saha
Mathematics 8 (8), 1380, 2020
A novel improved whale optimization algorithm to solve numerical optimization and real-world applications
S Chakraborty, S Sharma, AK Saha, A Saha
Artificial Intelligence Review, 1-112, 2022
Novel Fermatean Fuzzy Bonferroni Mean aggregation operators for selecting optimal health care waste treatment technology
S Chakraborty, AK Saha
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119, 105752, 2023
An improved moth flame optimization algorithm based on modified dynamic opposite learning strategy
SK Sahoo, AK Saha, S Nama, M Masdari
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (4), 2811-2869, 2023
Boosting particle swarm optimization by backtracking search algorithm for optimization problems
S Nama, AK Saha, S Chakraborty, AH Gandomi, L Abualigah
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 79, 101304, 2023
MPBOA-A novel hybrid butterfly optimization algorithm with symbiosis organisms search for global optimization and image segmentation
S Sharma, AK Saha, A Majumder, S Nama
Multimedia Tools and Applications 80, 12035-12076, 2021
A framework of LR fuzzy AHP and fuzzy WASPAS for health care waste recycling technology
S Chakraborty, AK Saha
Applied Soft Computing 127, 109388, 2022
HSWOA: An ensemble of hunger games search and whale optimization algorithm for global optimization
S Chakraborty, AK Saha, R Chakraborty, M Saha, S Nama
International Journal of Intelligent Systems 37 (1), 52-104, 2022
Moth flame optimization: theory, modifications, hybridizations, and applications
SK Sahoo, AK Saha, AE Ezugwu, JO Agushaka, B Abuhaija, AR Alsoud, ...
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30 (1), 391-426, 2023
A generative adversarial network for synthetization of regions of interest based on digital mammograms
ON Oyelade, AE Ezugwu, MS Almutairi, AK Saha, L Abualigah, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6166, 2022
Improved symbiotic organisms search algorithm for solving unconstrained function optimization
S Nama, AK Saha, S Ghosh
Decis Sci Lett 5 (3), 361-380, 2016
A hybrid moth flame optimization algorithm for global optimization
SK Sahoo, AK Saha
Journal of Bionic Engineering 19 (5), 1522-1543, 2022
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Articles 1–20