Jan Laue
Jan Laue
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Centrifuge cone penetration tests in sand
MD Bolton, MW Gui, J Garnier, JF Corte, G Bagge, J Laue, R Renzi
Géotechnique 49 (4), 543-552, 1999
JA Studer, MG Koller, J Laue
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008
Water quality assessment along Tigris River (Iraq) using water quality index (WQI) and GIS software
A Chabuk, Q Al-Madhlom, A Al-Maliki, N Al-Ansari, HM Hussain, J Laue
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13, 1-23, 2020
Climate change: consequences on Iraq’s environment
N Adamo, N Al-Ansari, VK Sissakian, S Knutsson, J Laue
Journal of earth sciences and geotechnical engineering 8 (3), 43-58, 2018
Fractal fragmentation of rocks within sturzstroms: insight derived from physical experiments within the ETH geotechnical drum centrifuge
B Imre, J Laue, SM Springman
Granular matter 12, 267-285, 2010
Guidelines for cone penetration tests in sand
MW Gui, MD Bolton, J Garnier, JF Corte, G Bagge, J Laue
Centrifuge 98, 155-160, 1998
Smear zone identification and soil properties around stone columns constructed in-flight in centrifuge model tests
TM Weber, M Plötze, J Laue, G Peschke, SM Springman
Géotechnique 60 (3), 197-206, 2010
Landfill site selection using MCDM methods and GIS in the Sulaimaniyah Governorate, Iraq
K Alkaradaghi, SS Ali, N Al-Ansari, J Laue, A Chabuk
Sustainability 11 (17), 4530, 2019
Experimental modelling of debris flow behaviour using a geotechnical centrifuge
ET Bowman, J Laue, B Imre, SM Springman
Canadian geotechnical journal 47 (7), 742-762, 2010
The ETH Zurich geotechnical drum centrifuge
S Springman, J Laue, R Boyle, J White, A Zweidler
International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 1 (1), 59-70, 2001
Combining GIS applications and method of multi-criteria decision-making (AHP) for landfill siting in Al-Hashimiyah Qadhaa, Babylon, Iraq
A Chabuk, N Al-Ansari, HM Hussain, S Knutsson, R Pusch, J Laue
Sustainability 9 (11), 1932, 2017
Landfill sites selection using MCDM and comparing method of change detection for Babylon Governorate, Iraq
A Chabuk, N Al-Ansari, HM Hussain, J Laue, A Hazim, S Knutsson, ...
Environmental science and pollution research 26, 35325-35339, 2019
Water quality within the Tigris and Euphrates catchments
N Al-Ansari, S AlJawad, N Adamo, VK Sissakian, J Laue, S Knutsson
Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (3), 95-121, 2018
A centrifuge-based experimental verification of Soil-Structure Interaction effects
P Martakis, D Taeseri, E Chatzi, J Laue
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 103, 1-14, 2017
Seismic microzonation for earthquake risk mitigation in Turkey
A Ansal, M Erdik, J Studer, SM Springman, J Laue, J Buchheister, ...
13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada …, 2004
Dam safety problems related to seepage
N Adamo, N Al-Ansari, V Sissakian, J Laue, S Knutsson
Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (6), 191-239, 2020
Geophysical methods and their applications in dam safety monitoring
N Adamo, N Al-Ansari, V Sissakian, J Laue, S Knutsson
Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering 11 (1), 291-345, 2021
Geopolitics of the Tigris and Euphrates basins
N Al-Ansari, N Adamo, S Knutsson, J Laue
Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (3), 187-222, 2018
The future of the Tigris and Euphrates water resources in view of climate change
N Adamo, N Al-Ansari, V Sissakian, J Laue, S Knutsson
Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (3), 59-74, 2018
Use of flexible tactile pressure sensors in geotechnical centrifuges
SM Springman, P Nater, R Chikatamarla, J Laue
Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 113-118, 2022
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Articles 1–20