Ana Gabriela Jimenez
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Cited by
Physiological underpinnings in life-history trade-offs in man’s most popular selection experiment: the dog
AG Jimenez
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 186, 813-827, 2016
Energetics and metabolic regulation
AG Jimenez, ST Kinsey
The natural history of the Crustacea 4, 391-419, 2015
Micro-scale environmental variation amplifies physiological variation among individual mussels
AG Jimenez, S Jayawardene, S Alves, J Dallmer, WW Dowd
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1820), 20152273, 2015
Shifts in bird migration timing in north American long‐distance and short‐distance migrants are associated with climate change
J Zaifman, D Shan, A Ay, AG Jimenez
International Journal of Zoology 2017 (1), 6025646, 2017
Physiological underpinnings associated with differences in pace of life and metabolic rate in north temperate and neotropical birds
AG Jimenez, C Cooper-Mullin, EA Calhoon, JB Williams
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 184, 545-561, 2014
The mitochondrial contribution to animal performance, adaptation, and life-history variation
WR Hood, SN Austad, P Bize, AG Jimenez, KL Montooth, PM Schulte, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 58 (3), 480-485, 2018
Large fibre size in skeletal muscle is metabolically advantageous
AG Jimenez, RM Dillaman, ST Kinsey
Nature communications 4 (1), 2150, 2013
Cellular metabolism and oxidative stress as a possible determinant for longevity in small breed and large breed dogs
AG Jimenez, J Winward, U Beattie, W Cipolli
PLoS One 13 (4), e0195832, 2018
The influence of oxygen and high-energy phosphate diffusion on metabolic scaling in three species of tail-flipping crustaceans
AG Jimenez, BR Locke, ST Kinsey
Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (20), 3214-3225, 2008
Does cellular metabolism from primary fibroblasts and oxidative stress in blood differ between mammals and birds? The (lack-thereof) scaling of oxidative stress
AG Jimenez, ES O’Connor, KJ Tobin, KN Anderson, JD Winward, ...
Integrative and comparative biology 59 (4), 953-969, 2019
Cellular metabolic rate is influenced by life-history traits in tropical and temperate birds
AG Jimenez, J Van Brocklyn, M Wortman, JB Williams
PLoS One 9 (1), e87349, 2014
An evaluation of muscle maintenance costs during fiber hypertrophy in the lobster Homarus americanus: are larger muscle fibers cheaper to maintain?
AG Jimenez, SK Dasika, BR Locke, ST Kinsey
Journal of Experimental Biology 214 (21), 3688-3697, 2011
Acclimation to elevated emersion temperature has no effect on susceptibility to acute, heat-induced lipid peroxidation in an intertidal mussel (Mytilus californianus)
AG Jimenez, S Alves, J Dallmer, E Njoo, S Roa, WW Dowd
Marine biology 163, 1-10, 2016
Nuclear DNA content variation associated with muscle fiber hypertrophic growth in decapod crustaceans
AG Jimenez, ST Kinsey, RM Dillaman, DF Kapraun
Genome 53 (3), 161-171, 2010
“The same thing that makes you live can kill you in the end”: exploring the effects of growth rates and longevity on cellular metabolic rates and oxidative stress in mammals …
A Gabriela Jimenez
Integrative and comparative biology 58 (3), 544-558, 2018
Consequences of being phenotypically mismatched with the environment: rapid muscle ultrastructural changes in cold-shocked black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus)
F Vézina, E Cornelius Ruhs, ES O’Connor, A Le Pogam, L Régimbald, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2020
Rapid changes in cell physiology as a result of acute thermal stress house sparrows, Passer domesticus
AG Jimenez, JB Williams
Journal of Thermal Biology 46, 31-39, 2014
Nuclear DNA content variation associated with muscle fiber hypertrophic growth in fishes
AG Jimenez, ST Kinsey
Journal of Comparative Physiology B 182, 531-540, 2012
Linkages between the life-history evolution of tropical and temperate birds and the resistance of cultured skin fibroblasts to oxidative and non-oxidative chemical injury
AG Jimenez, JM Harper, SA Queenborough, JB Williams
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (8), 1373-1380, 2013
Beyond the powerhouse: integrating mitonuclear evolution, physiology, and theory in comparative biology
JC Havird, RJ Weaver, L Milani, F Ghiselli, R Greenway, AJ Ramsey, ...
Integrative and comparative biology 59 (4), 856-863, 2019
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Articles 1–20