Mahdi Hadi
Mahdi Hadi
Center for Water Quality Research (CWQR), Institute for Environmental Research (IER) , Tehran
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Equilibrium two-parameter isotherms of acid dyes sorption by activated carbons: study of residual errors
M Hadi, MR Samarghandi, G McKay
Chemical Engineering Journal 160 (2), 408-416, 2010
Two-parameter isotherms of methyl orange sorption by pinecone derived activated carbon
MR Samarghandi, M Hadi, S Moayedi, AF BARJESTEH
Drinking water quality and arsenic health risk assessment in Sistan and Baluchestan, Southeastern Province, Iran
M Radfard, M Yunesian, R Nabizadeh, H Biglari, S Nazmara, M Hadi, ...
Human and ecological risk assessment: An International Journal, 2019
Heavy metal contamination and health risk assessment in drinking water of Sistan-and- Baluchistan, Southeastern Iran
M Mirzabeygi, A Abbasnia, M Yunesian, R Nabizadeh Nodehi, M Hadi, ...
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2017
The study of non-linear kinetics and adsorption isotherm models for Acid Red 18 from aqueous solutions by magnetite nanoparticles and magnetite nanoparticles modified by sodium …
Z Berizi, SY Hashemi, M Hadi, A Azari, AH Mahvi
Water Science and Technology 74 (5), 1235-1242, 2016
Optimum isotherms of dyes sorption by activated carbon: Fractional theoretical capacity & error analysis
G McKay, A Mesdaghinia, S Nasseri, M Hadi, MS Aminabad
Chemical Engineering Journal 251, 236-247, 2014
Comparison of ARIMA and NNAR Models for Forecasting Water Treatment Plant's Influent Characteristics
A Maleki, S Nasseri, M Solaimany Aminabad, M Hadi
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-13, 2018
Estimation of health risks caused by exposure to enteroviruses from agricultural application of wastewater effluents
M Moazeni, M Nikaeen, M Hadi, S Moghim, L Mouhebat, M Hatamzadeh, ...
Water Research 125, 104-113, 2017
Prediction of optimum adsorption isotherm: comparison of chi-square and Log-likelihood statistics
M Hadi, G McKay, MR Samarghandi, A Maleki, MS Aminabad
Desalination and Water Treatment 49 (1-3), 81-94, 2012
Biosorption of iron from aqueous solution by dried biomass of activated sludge
R Shokoohi, MH Saghi, HR Ghafari, M Hadi
Iranian Association of Environmental Health (IAEH), 2009
Sorption of acid dye by surfactant modificated natural zeolites
N Mirzaei, M Hadi, M Gholami, RF Fard, MS Aminabad
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 59, 186-194, 2016
Antibiotic detection in a hospital wastewater and comparison of their removal rate by activated sludge and earthworm-based vermifilteration: Environmental risk assessment
R Shokoohi, N Ghobadi, K Godini, M Hadi, Z Atashzaban
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 134, 169-177, 2020
Water, sanitation, and hygiene risk factors of acute diarrhea among under-five children in the Gaza Strip
S Abuzerr, S Nasseri, M Yunesian, M Hadi, K Zinszer, AH Mahvi, ...
Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 2019
Breakthrough curve analysis for fixed-bed adsorption of Azo dyes using novel pine cone—derived active carbon
MR Samarghandi, M Hadi, G McKay
Adsorption Science & Technology 32 (10), 791-806, 2014
The presence of SARS-CoV-2 in raw and treated wastewater in 3 cities of Iran: Tehran, Qom and Anzali during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak
S Nasseri, J Yavarian, AN Baghani, TM Azad, A Nejati, R Nabizadeh, ...
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 19, 573-584, 2021
Prevalence of diarrheal illness and healthcare-seeking behavior by age-group and sex among the population of Gaza strip: a community-based cross-sectional study
S Abuzerr, S Nasseri, M Yunesian, M Hadi, AH Mahvi, R Nabizadeh, ...
BMC public health 19 (1), 704, 2019
Simplified fixed bed design models for the adsorption of acid dyes on novel pine cone derived activated carbon
M Hadi, MR Samarghandi, G McKay
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 218, 197-212, 2011
Heavy metals risk assessment in fish species (Johnius belangerii (C) and Cynoglossus arel) in Musa Estuary, Persian Gulf
M Ravanbakhsh, AZ Javid, M Hadi, NJH Fard
Environmental Research 188, 109560, 2020
The estimation of per capita loadings of domestic wastewater in Tehran
A Mesdaghinia, S Nasseri, AH Mahvi, HR Tashauoei, M Hadi
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering 13, 1-9, 2015
Campylobacter risk for the consumers of wastewater-irrigated vegetables based on field experiments
M Farhadkhani, M Nikaeen, M Hadi, S Gholipour, G Yadegarfar
Chemosphere 251, 126408, 2020
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Articles 1–20