Ping Ma
Cited by
Cited by
A statistical perspective on algorithmic leveraging
P Ma, MW Mahoney, B Yu
The Journal of Machine Learning Research 16 (1), 861-911, 2015
A Statistical Perspective on Algorithmic Leveraging
P Ma, M Mahoney, B Yu
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Machine Learning 32 (1 …, 2014
Optimal subsampling for large sample logistic regression
HY Wang, R Zhu, P Ma
Journal of the American Statistical Association 113 (522), 829-844, 2018
Seismostratigraphy and thermal structure of Earth's core-mantle boundary region
RD Van der Hilst, MV De Hoop, P Wang, SH Shim, P Ma, L Tenorio
science 315 (5820), 1813-1817, 2007
A data-driven clustering method for time course gene expression data
P Ma, CI Castillo-Davis, W Zhong, JS Liu
Nucleic acids research 34 (4), 1261-1269, 2006
Leveraging for big data regression
P Ma, X Sun
WIREs Computational Statistics, 2014
A dysregulated acetyl/SUMO switch of FXR promotes hepatic inflammation in obesity
DH Kim, Z Xiao, S Kwon, X Sun, D Ryerson, D Tkac, P Ma, SY Wu, ...
The EMBO journal 34 (2), 184-199, 2015
RSIR: regularized sliced inverse regression for motif discovery
W Zhong, P Zeng, P Ma, JS Liu, Y Zhu
Bioinformatics 21 (22), 4169-4175, 2005
Global assessment of combinatorial post-translational modification of core histones in yeast using contemporary mass spectrometry: LYS4 trimethylation correlates with degree of …
L Jiang, JN Smith, SL Anderson, P Ma, CA Mizzen, NL Kelleher
Journal of biological chemistry 282 (38), 27923-27934, 2007
Optimal smoothing in nonparametric mixed-effect models
C Gu, P Ma
Detection and identification of cyber and physical attacks on distribution power grids with pvs: An online high-dimensional data-driven approach
F Li, R Xie, B Yang, L Guo, P Ma, J Shi, J Ye, WZ Song
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 10 (1 …, 2019
Methylated DNA is over-represented in whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data
L Ji, T Sasaki, X Sun, P Ma, ZA Lewis, RJ Schmitz
Frontiers in Genetics 5 (341), 2014
Statistical analysis of zebrafish locomotor response
Y Liu, R Carmer, G Zhang, P Venkatraman, SA Brown, CP Pang, M Zhang, ...
PloS one 10 (10), e0139521, 2015
Optimal penalized function-on-function regression under a reproducing kernel Hilbert space framework
X Sun, P Du, X Wang, P Ma
Journal of the American Statistical Association 113 (524), 1601-1611, 2018
Asymptotic analysis of sampling estimators for randomized numerical linear algebra algorithms
P Ma, Y Chen, X Zhang, X Xing, J Ma, MW Mahoney
Journal of Machine Learning Research 23 (177), 1-45, 2022
The helicase aquarius/EMB-4 is required to overcome intronic barriers to allow nuclear RNAi pathways to heritably silence transcription
A Akay, T Di Domenico, KM Suen, A Nabih, GE Parada, M Larance, ...
Developmental cell 42 (3), 241-255. e6, 2017
Online distributed IoT security monitoring with multidimensional streaming big data
F Li, R Xie, Z Wang, L Guo, J Ye, P Ma, WZ Song
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (5), 4387-4394, 2019
Penalized clustering of large-scale functional data with multiple covariates
P Ma, W Zhong
Journal of the American Statistical Association 103 (482), 625-636, 2008
Mini review: revisiting mobile RNA silencing in plants
X Zhang, T Lai, P Zhang, X Zhang, C Yuan, Z Jin, H Li, Z Yu, C Qin, M Tör, ...
Plant Science 278, 113-117, 2019
Factorial microarray analysis of zebrafish retinal development
YF Leung, P Ma, BA Link, JE Dowling
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (35), 12909-12914, 2008
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Articles 1–20