Marc Wilson
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Cited by
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on trust, attitudes toward government, and well-being.
CG Sibley, LM Greaves, N Satherley, MS Wilson, NC Overall, CHJ Lee, ...
American psychologist 75 (5), 618, 2020
Antecedents of men’s hostile and benevolent sexism: The dual roles of social dominance orientation and right-wing authoritarianism
CG Sibley, MS Wilson, J Duckitt
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33 (2), 160-172, 2007
Values and beliefs of vegetarians and omnivores
MW Allen, M Wilson, SH Ng, M Dunne
The Journal of social psychology 140 (4), 405-422, 2000
The Hogg Eco-Anxiety Scale: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale
TL Hogg, SK Stanley, LV O'Brien, MS Wilson, CR Watsford
Global Environmental Change 71, 102391, 2021
A functional approach to instrumental and terminal values and the value‐attitude‐behaviour system of consumer choice
MW Allen, S Hung Ng, M Wilson
European journal of Marketing 36 (1/2), 111-135, 2002
Social identity and the perception of history: Cultural representations of Aotearoa/New Zealand
JH Liu, MS Wilson, J McClure, TR Higgins
European journal of social psychology 29 (8), 1021-1047, 1999
Prevalence, correlates, and prospective predictors of non-suicidal self-injury among New Zealand adolescents: Cross-sectional and longitudinal survey data
JA Garisch, MS Wilson
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 9, 1-11, 2015
Effects of dangerous and competitive worldviews on right‐wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation over a five‐month period
CG Sibley, MS Wilson, J Duckitt
Political Psychology 28 (3), 357-371, 2007
Differentiating hostile and benevolent sexist attitudes toward positive and negative sexual female subtypes
CG Sibley, MS Wilson
Sex roles 51, 687-696, 2004
Environmental consequences of the desire to dominate and be superior
TL Milfont, I Richter, CG Sibley, MS Wilson, R Fischer
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (9), 1127-1138, 2013
Social dominance orientation and gender: The moderating role of gender identity
MS Wilson, JH Liu
British Journal of Social Psychology 42 (2), 187-198, 2003
Social dominance orientation and right‐wing authoritarianism: Additive and interactive effects
CG Sibley, A Robertson, MS Wilson
Political Psychology 27 (5), 755-768, 2006
Social dominance orientation and right‐wing authoritarianism: Additive and interactive effects on political conservatism
MS Wilson, CG Sibley
Political Psychology 34 (2), 277-284, 2013
The Mini-IPIP6: Validation and extension of a short measure of the Big-Six factors of personality in New Zealand.
CG Sibley, N Luyten, M Purnomo, A Mobberley, LW Wootton, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 40 (3), 2011
A brief motivational interviewing intervention with prisoners: when you lead a horse to water, can it drink for itself?
B Anstiss, DLL Polaschek, M Wilson
Psychology, Crime & Law 17 (8), 689-710, 2011
A dual‐process motivational model of attitudes towards vegetarians and vegans
M Judge, MS Wilson
European Journal of Social Psychology 49 (1), 169-178, 2019
Meta-analysing the association between social dominance orientation, authoritarianism, and attitudes on the environment and climate change
SK Stanley, MS Wilson
Journal of Environmental Psychology 61, 46-56, 2019
Vulnerabilities to deliberate self‐harm among adolescents: The role of alexithymia and victimization
JA Garisch, MS Wilson
British Journal of Clinical Psychology 49 (2), 151-162, 2010
Reciprocal risk: The longitudinal relationship between emotion regulation and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents
K Robinson, JA Garisch, T Kingi, M Brocklesby, A O’Connell, ...
Journal of abnormal child psychology 47, 325-332, 2019
Neural correlates of mystical experience
I Cristofori, J Bulbulia, JH Shaver, M Wilson, F Krueger, J Grafman
Neuropsychologia 80, 212-220, 2016
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