Onno Crasborn
Onno Crasborn
Former professor, Radboud University Nijmegen, Centre for Language Studies
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Enhanced ELAN functionality for sign language corpora
O Crasborn, H Sloetjes
6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2008 …, 2008
Frequency distribution and spreading behavior of different types of mouth actions in three sign languages
OA Crasborn, E Van Der Kooij, D Waters, B Woll, J Mesch
Sign Language & Linguistics 11 (1), 45-67, 2008
Simultaneity in signed languages
M Vermeerbergen, OA Crasborn, L Leeson
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007
The Corpus NGT: an online corpus for professionals and laymen
OA Crasborn, IEP Zwitserlood
Paris: ELRA, 2008
Phonetic implementation of phonological categories in Sign Language of the Netherlands
O Crasborn
Leiden University, 2001
Signed languages and globalization
A Hiddinga, O Crasborn
Language in society, 483-505, 2011
Explaining prosodic body leans in Sign Language of the Netherlands: Pragmatics required
E Van der Kooij, O Crasborn, W Emmerik
Journal of Pragmatics 38 (10), 1598-1614, 2006
Sharing sign language data online: Experiences from the ECHO project
OA Crasborn, J Mesch, D Waters, A Nonhebel, E Van der Kooij, B Woll, ...
International journal of corpus linguistics 12 (4), 535-562, 2007
The phonology of focus in Sign Language of the Netherlands1
O Crasborn, E Van der Kooij
Journal of Linguistics 49 (3), 515-565, 2013
Mixed signals: Combining linguistic and affective functions of eyebrows in questions in Sign Language of the Netherlands
C De Vos, E Van der Kooij, O Crasborn
Language and speech 52 (2-3), 315-339, 2009
Nonmanual structures in sign language
OA Crasborn
Oxford: Elsevier, 2006
Variation in mouth actions with manual signs in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT)
R Bank, OA Crasborn, R Van Hout
Sign Language & Linguistics 14 (2), 248-270, 2011
Combining video and numeric data in the analysis of sign languages with the ELAN annotation software
O Crasborn, H Sloetjes, E Auer, P Wittenburg
2nd workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages …, 2006
Prosodic correlates of sentences in signed languages: A literature review and suggestions for new types of studies
E Ormel, O Crasborn
Sign Language Studies 12 (2), 279-315, 2012
How to recognise a sentence when you see one
OA Crasborn
Sign language & linguistics 10 (2), 103-111, 2007
Topic agreement in NGT (Sign Language of the Netherlands)
O Crasborn, E Van der Kooij, J Ros, H De Hoop
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 26 (2-3), 355-370, 2009
A crosslinguistic comparison of buoys. Evidence from American, Norwegian, and Swedish Sign Language
SK Liddell, M Vogt-Svendsen, B Bergman
Simultaneity in signed languages: Form and function, 187-215, 2008
Relative orientation in sign language phonology
OA Crasborn, E van der Kooij
Linguistics in the Netherlands 14 (1), 37-48, 1997
The non-dominant hand in a Swedish Sign Language discourse
AL Nilsson
Simultaneity in signed languages: Form and function, 163-185, 2008
O Crasborn
Sign language: An international handbook, 2012
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Articles 1–20