Aly Mohamed Mamoun Abdel-Salam
Aly Mohamed Mamoun Abdel-Salam
Prof. Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Caior University, Egypt
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Cited by
Diversity of DNA β, a satellite molecule associated with some monopartite begomoviruses
RW Briddon, SE Bull, I Amin, AM Idris, S Mansoor, ID Bedford, P Dhawan, ...
Virology 312 (1), 106-121, 2003
Diversity of DNA 1: a satellite-like molecule associated with monopartite begomovirus-DNA beta complexes.
RW Briddon, SE Bull, I Amin, S Mansoor, ID Bedford, N Rishi, SS Siwatch, ...
Virology 324 (2), 462-74, 2004
Introduction of the New World Squash leaf curl virus to Squash (Cucurbita pepo) in Egypt: A Potential Threat to Important Food Crops
AM Idris, A Abdel-Salam, JK Brown
Plant Disease 90 (9), 1262-1262, 2006
Characterization of two isolates of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) from peach and apricot in Egypt
AM Abdel-Salam, AM Ibrahim, HS Abdelkader, AME Aly, SM El-Saghir
Arab Journal Biotechnology 11, 107-112, 2008
The incidence of squash leaf curl begomovirus (SLCV) in Egypt
AM Abdel-Salam, NM Abdalla, DZR Soliman, AA Rezk
Arab J. Biotech 9 ((2)), 375-388, 2006
Biological and biochemical studies on hollyhock leaf crumple virus (HLCrV): A newly discovered whitefly-transmitted geminivirus
AM Abde-Salam, MA El-Shazly, JC Thoufunel
Arab J. Biotech. 1 ((1)), 41-58, 1998
Phylogenetic relationships for okra leaf curl-and hollyhock leaf crumple-associated begomoviruses and first report of associated satellite DNAs
JK Idris, A.M., Hussein, M.H., Abdel-Salam, A.M., and Brown
Arab J. of Biotech 5 ((1)), 67-82, 2002
Isolation and Characterization of a Whitefly-Transmitted Geminivirus Associated with the Leaf Curl and Mosaic Symptoms on Cotton in Egypt
AM Abdel-Salam
Arab .J. Biotech 2 ((2)), 193-218, 1999
Molecular cloning and expression of recombinant coat protein gene of banana bunchy top virus in E. coli and its use in the production of diagnostic antibodies
HS Abdelkader, AM Abdel-Salam, SM El Saghir, MH Hussein
Arab J Biotechnol 7, 173-187, 2004
Purification, serology, and molecular detection of Egyptian isolates of banana bunchy top babuvirus and faba bean necrotic yellows nanovirus.
AM Abdel-Salam, HS Abdel-Kader, SM El-Saghir, MH Hussein
Arab J. Biotech 7 ((1)), 141-155, 2004
Poduction of polyclonal antisera to recombinant coat protein of Potato virus Y expressed in Escherichia coli and its application for immunodiagnosis.
AM Abdel-Salam, AKE Attar, CF Gambley
Int. J. Virol. 10 ((1)), 1-16, 2014
Transgene-mediated RNA silencing of TYLCV genes affecting the accumulation of viral DNA in plants
Rezk, A.A., Abdallah, Nagla A., Abdel-Salam, A. M., Nakhla, M .K., ...
Arab J. Biotech. 9 ((1)), 141-158, 2006
Biological, serological, and molecular detection of banana streak badnavirus in vegetatively propagated banana plants in Egypt
AM Abdel-Salam, HS Abdel-Kader, SM El-Saghir
Egypt J Virol 2, 255-268, 2005
Mechanical transmission of two Egyptian isolates of beet curly top and tomato yellow leaf curl viruses.
AM Abdel-Salam
Bull. Fac. Agric., Univ. Cairo 41, 825-842, 1990
New host records for cotton leaf curl Gezira virus: capsicum and melon in Egypt
C Gambley, J Cremer, P Campbell, R Roach, AM Abdel-Salam
Australasian Plant Disease Notes 15, 1-6, 2020
Caulimoviral sequences in Dahlia Variabilis in Egypt.
AM Abdel-Salam, MA Khazindar, M Eid, HR Pappu
African J. Biotech 9 ((41)), 6835-6839, 2010
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Egypt. 2.-the use of its locally induced antiserum for the detection of its incidence in economic and wild plants in the field
AM Abdel-Salam
Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo Univ.(Egypt), 1991
Inheritance of resistance to interveinal mottling and yellowing disease in cucurbits.
Hassan, A.A., Merghany, M. M., Abdel-Ati, K. A., Abdel-Salam, A. M., ...
Egypt. J. Hort. 25 ((2)), 209-224, 1998
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Egypt. 1- Characterization, partial purification, and antiserum production.
AM Abdel-Salam
Bull. Fac. Agric., Univ. Cairo 42 ((2)), 507-519, 1991
An Egyptian isolate of beet curly top virus: New differential hosts, physical properties, seed transmission and serologic studies.
AM Abdel-Salam, AH and Amin
Bull. Fac. Agric., Univ. Cairo. 41, 843-858, 1990
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