Articles with public access mandates - Hans-Henning ArnoldLearn more
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Copy number variation of two separate regulatory regions upstream of SOX9 causes isolated 46, XY or 46, XX disorder of sex development
GJ Kim, E Sock, A Buchberger, W Just, F Denzer, W Hoepffner, J German, ...
Journal of Medical Genetics 52 (4), 240-247, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Distinct roles of lymphotoxin-β signaling and the homeodomain transcription factor Nkx2. 3 in the ontogeny of endothelial compartments in spleen
P Balogh, M Balázs, T Czömpöly, DS Weih, HH Arnold, F Weih
Cell and tissue research 328 (3), 473-486, 2007
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Absence of Nkx2-3 homeodomain transcription factor reprograms the endothelial addressin preference for lymphocyte homing in Peyer’s patches
Z Kellermayer, M Mihalj, Á Lábadi, T Czömpöly, M Lee, E O’Hara, ...
The Journal of Immunology 193 (10), 5284-5293, 2014
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
The hnRNP and cytoskeletal protein raver1 contributes to synaptic plasticity
I Lahmann, M Fabienke, B Henneberg, O Pabst, F Vauti, D Minge, ...
Experimental cell research 314 (5), 1048-1060, 2008
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Generation of a Nkx2. 2Cre knock-in mouse line: Analysis of cell lineages in the central nervous system
W Jarrar, F Vauti, HH Arnold, A Holz
Differentiation 89 (3-4), 70-76, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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Popeye domain containing proteins are essential for stress-mediated modulation of cardiac pacemaking in mice
A Froese, SS Breher, C Waldeyer, RFR Schindler, VO Nikolaev, S Rinné, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 122 (3), 1119-1130, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Niche cadherins control the quiescence-to-activation transition in muscle stem cells
AJ Goel, MK Rieder, HH Arnold, GL Radice, RS Krauss
Cell reports 21 (8), 2236-2250, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation
A homeodomain feedback circuit underlies step-function interpretation of a Shh morphogen gradient during ventral neural patterning
M Lek, JM Dias, U Marklund, CW Uhde, S Kurdija, Q Lei, L Sussel, ...
Development 137 (23), 4051-4060, 2010
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
The transcription factors Nkx2. 2 and Nkx2. 9 play a novel role in floor plate development and commissural axon guidance
A Holz, H Kollmus, J Ryge, V Niederkofler, J Dias, J Ericson, ET Stoeckli, ...
Development 137 (24), 4249-4260, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation, Swedish …
Transcriptional regulator BPTF/FAC1 is essential for trophoblast differentiation during early mouse development
T Goller, F Vauti, S Ramasamy, HH Arnold
Molecular and cellular biology 28 (22), 6819-6827, 2008
Mandates: German Research Foundation
A homeo-paired domain-binding motif directs Myf5 expression in progenitor cells of limb muscle
A Buchberger, D Freitag, HH Arnold
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 134 (6), 1171-1180, 2007
Mandates: German Research Foundation
ARP3 controls the podocyte architecture at the kidney filtration barrier
C Schell, B Sabass, M Helmstaedter, F Geist, A Abed, ...
Developmental cell 47 (6), 741-757. e8, 2018
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission, Federal Ministry of …
Single-stranded DNA-binding transcriptional regulator FUBP1 is essential for fetal and adult hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal
U Rabenhorst, FB Thalheimer, K Gerlach, M Kijonka, S Böhm, DS Krause, ...
Cell reports 11 (12), 1847-1855, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Induced Arp2/3 complex depletion increases FMNL2/3 formin expression and filopodia formation
V Dimchev, I Lahmann, SA Koestler, F Kage, G Dimchev, A Steffen, ...
Frontiers in cell and developmental biology 9, 634708, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Generation and characterization of a tamoxifen‐inducible EomesCreER mouse line
IM Pimeisl, Y Tanriver, RA Daza, F Vauti, RF Hevner, HH Arnold, ...
genesis 51 (10), 725-733, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, German Research Foundation
Arp3 is required during preimplantation development of the mouse embryo
F Vauti, BR Prochnow, E Freese, SK Ramasamy, P Ruiz, HH Arnold
FEBS letters 581 (29), 5691-5697, 2007
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Nkx2. 2 and Nkx2. 9 are the key regulators to determine cell fate of branchial and visceral motor neurons in caudal hindbrain
W Jarrar, JM Dias, J Ericson, HH Arnold, A Holz
PLoS One 10 (4), e0124408, 2015
Mandates: German Research Foundation
The Arp2/3 complex is crucial for colonisation of the mouse skin by melanoblasts
V Papalazarou, K Swaminathan, F Jaber-Hijazi, H Spence, I Lahmann, ...
Development 147 (22), dev194555, 2020
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Helmholtz Association, Cancer …
Overexpression of Lis1 in different stages of spermatogenesis does not result in an aberrant phenotype
N Drusenheimer, K Nayernia, A Meinhardt, B Jung, HH Arnold, W Engel
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 134 (4), 269-282, 2011
Mandates: German Research Foundation
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