Apolline Mariotti
Apolline Mariotti
Postdoctoral Researcher, GFZ Potsdam
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Cited by
Downscaling scenarios of future land use and land cover changes using a participatory approach: an application to mountain risk assessment in the Pyrenees (France)
T Houet, M Grémont, L Vacquié, Y Forget, A Mariotti, A Puissant, ...
Regional Environmental Change, 2017
Nonlinear forcing of climate on mountain denudation during glaciations
A Mariotti, PH Blard, J Charreau, S Toucanne, SJ Jorry, S Molliex, ...
Nature Geoscience, 1-7, 2021
Denudation systematics inferred from in situ cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in fine (50–100 µm) and medium (100–250 µm) sediments of the Var River basin …
A Mariotti, PH Blard, J Charreau, C Petit, S Molliex, Aster Team
Earth Surface Dynamics 7 (4), 1059-1074, 2019
Pre-development denudation rates for the Great Barrier Reef catchments derived using 10Be
A Mariotti, J Croke, R Bartley, SE Kelley, J Ward, RH Fülöp, AH Rood, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 172, 112731, 2021
Estimation of landslides activities evolution due to land–use and climate change in a Pyrenean valley
S Bernardie, R Vandromme, A Mariotti, T Houet, M Grémont, G Grandjean, ...
Advancing Culture of Living with Landslides: Volume 2 Advances in Landslide …, 2017
Impact du dernier cycle glaciaire interglaciaire sur la dénudation dans les Alpes Maritimes Françaises
A Mariotti
Université de Lorraine, 2020
Controlling variables of denudation across catchments draining to the Great Barrier Reef
A Mariotti, J Croke, R Bartley, SE Kelley, LK Fifield, RH Fulop, A Codilean, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, EP036-0002, 2020
Drainage rearrangement in an intra-continental mountain belt: a case study from the central South Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan
L Gong, P van der Beek, TF Schildgen, ER Sobel, S Racano, A Mariotti, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 12 (5), 973-994, 2024
Late Cenozoic deformation and glacial imprint on the Terskey Range, Kyrgyzstan
L Gong, P van der Beek, E Sobel, T Schildgen, A Mariotti, M Bernard, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 14635, 2024
A multi-proxy approach to assess chemical weathering in the Southern French Alps since Marine Isotopic Stage 4
M Nauton-Fourteu, G Bromley, S Tyrrell, S Jorry, S Toucanne, A Mariotti, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17114, 2024
Impact of glaciations on the exhumation history of the Kyrgyz Range-Western Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan).
A Mariotti, T Schildgen, ER Sobel, M Bernard, L Gong, P van der Beek, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11794, 2024
Low-temperature thermochronology history of the Kyrgyz Range-Western Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)
A Mariotti, T Schildgen, E Sobel, J Glodny
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-14524, 2023
Impact of an extreme storm on the 10Be signal in a mountainous catchment
A Mariotti, PH Blard, J Charreau, C Petit, T Aster
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-5240, 2022
Glacial erosion rates across the Alps derived from in situ 10Be in river sediments
J Charreau, A Mariotti, PH Blard, S Breton, S Toucanne
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-8375, 2022
Impact of Quaternary glacial cycles on denudation in Western Mediterranean mountains
PH Blard, S Molliex, A Mariotti, J Charreau, G Jouet, S Toucanne, S Jorry
Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July, 2021
Denudation response of the Mediterranean Alpine Ranges to the Quaternary glacial cycles
PH Blard, S Molliex, A Mariotti, J Charreau, G Jouet, S Toucanne, S Jorry
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-12607, 2021
River incision, climate and vertical motions since the LGM in south-western Alps (France)
C Petit, R Yann, B Régis, B Didier, C Thibaut, M Apolline, A Laurence
EGU2020, 2020
10Be dynamics of fine sediments: impact of mixing, grain size and annual variability in the Alps.
J Charreau, A Mariotti, PH Blard, C Petit, S Molliex, S Toucanne, S Jorry, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
10Be-derived paleo-denudation rates over the last 500 ka in the Golo River catchment (Corsica, Mediterranean Sea).
S Molliex, PH Blard, G Jouet, A Mariotti, C Julien, A Team
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Erosion and sedimentation in the Var aerial catchment and submarine basin (Southern French Alps-Mediterranean) using Badlands.
C Petit, T Salles, Y Rolland, G Duclaux, A Mariotti
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
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Articles 1–20