Dr. Subodh Ganesanpotti
Dr. Subodh Ganesanpotti
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India
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Dielectric response of high permittivity polymer ceramic composite with low loss tangent
G Subodh, V Deepu, P Mohanan, MT Sebastian
Applied Physics Letters 95 (6), 2009
Glass‐Free Zn2Te3O8 Microwave Ceramic for LTCC Applications
G Subodh, MT Sebastian
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (7), 2266-2268, 2007
Low Dielectric Loss Polytetrafluoroethylene/TeO2 Polymer Ceramic Composites
G Subodh, M Joseph, P Mohanan, MT Sebastian
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 90 (11), 3507-3511, 2007
Vibrational studies and microwave dielectric properties of A-site-substituted tellurium-based double perovskites
A Dias, G Subodh, MT Sebastian, MM Lage, RL Moreira
Chemistry of Materials 20 (13), 4347-4355, 2008
PTFE/Sr2Ce2Ti5O16 polymer ceramic composites for electronic packaging applications
G Subodh, C Pavithran, P Mohanan, MT Sebastian
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (8-9), 3039-3044, 2007
Structure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Sr2+ n Ce2Ti5+ n O15+ 3 n (n≤ 10) Homologous Series
G Subodh, J James, MT Sebastian, R Paniago, A Dias, RL Moreira
Chemistry of materials 19 (16), 4077-4082, 2007
The prediction of lattice constants in orthorhombic perovskites
R Ubic, G Subodh
Journal of alloys and compounds 488 (1), 374-379, 2009
Insights into the structure, photoluminescence and Judd-Ofelt analysis 2 of red emitting SrLaLiTeO6: Eu3+ phosphors
SG Sariga C. Lal, Aiswaray A. M. , Sibi K. S
Journal of Alloys and compounds, 2019
Optical Phonon Modes and Dielectric Behavior of Sr1–3x/2CexTiO3 Microwave Ceramics
RL Moreira, RPSM Lobo, G Subodh, MT Sebastian, FM Matinaga, A Dias
Chemistry of Materials 19 (26), 6548-6554, 2007
Thermal properties of polytetrafluoroethylene/Sr2Ce2Ti5O16 polymer/ceramic composites
G Subodh, MV Manjusha, J Philip, MT Sebastian
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 108 (3), 1716-1721, 2008
Crystal structure, phonon modes, and bond characteristics of AgPb2B2V3O12 (B = Mg, Zn) microwave ceramics
SG Rakhi Madhuri
Journal of American Ceramic Society, 2020
Crystal structure and optical properties of B site-ordered ALaLiTeO6 (A = Ba, Sr) ceramics
GS B.Amrithakrishnan
Materials Research Bulletin, 2017
Polystyrene/Sr2Ce2Ti5O15 composites with low dielectric loss for microwave substrate applications
G Subodh, V Deepu, P Mohanan, MT Sebastian
Polymer Engineering & Science 49 (6), 1218-1224, 2009
Broadband Electromagnetic Response and Enhanced Microwave Absorption in Carbon Black and Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Reinforced …
V Lalan, S Ganesanpotti
Journal of Electronic Materials 49 (3), 1666-1676, 2020
Structural Characterization of B-Site Ordered Ba2Ln2/3TeO6 (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, and Eu) Double Perovskites and Probing Its Luminescence as Eu3+ Phosphor Hosts
SG Sariga C. Lal, Vidhya Lalan
Inorganic Chemistry, 2018
Deep‐red‐emitting SrLaLiTeO6: Mn4+ double perovskites: Correlation between Mn4+‐O2− bonding and photoluminescence
SC Lal, JI Naseemabeevi, S Ganesanpotti
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 104 (10), 5293-5306, 2021
Sr2FeO3 with Stacked Infinite Chains of FeO4 Square Planes
C Tassel, L Seinberg, N Hayashi, S Ganesanpotti, Y Ajiro, Y Kobayashi, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 52 (10), 6096-6102, 2013
Distortion and energy transfer assisted tunability in garnet phosphors
A Bindhu, JI Naseemabeevi, S Ganesanpotti
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 47 (5), 621-664, 2022
Probing the multifunctionality of double layered perovskite NaGdMgTeO6: Eu3+ in ratiometric phosphor thermometry and solid-state lighting
AK Sreelekshmi, SC Lal, S Ganesanpotti
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 905, 164138, 2022
Crystal Structure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of NaPb2B2V3O12(B=Mg, Zn) Ceramics
RM Subodh G
Journal of European Ceramic Society, 2018
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