Mehdi Jahangiri
Mehdi Jahangiri
Professor of Occupational Health Engineering, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
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Needle stick injuries and their related safety measures among nurses in a university hospital, Shiraz, Iran
M Jahangiri, A Rostamabadi, N Hoboubi, N Tadayon, A Soleimani
Safety and health at work 7 (1), 72-77, 2016
Musculoskeletal injuries and their associated risk factors in office workplaces.
A Choobineh, H Rahimifard, M Jahangiri, S Mahmoodkhani
Iran occupational health 8 (4), 2012
Human error analysis in a permit to work system: a case study in a chemical plant
M Jahangiri, N Hoboubi, A Rostamabadi, S Keshavarzi, AA Hosseini
Safety and health at work 7 (1), 6-11, 2016
Work ability index (WAI) and its association with psychosocial factors in one of the petrochemical industries in Iran
A Mazloumi, A Rostamabadi, GN Saraji, AR Foroushani
Journal of occupational health 54 (2), 112-118, 2012
A novel Fuzzy Bayesian Network approach for safety analysis of process systems; An application of HFACS and SHIPP methodology
A Rostamabadi, M Jahangiri, E Zarei, M Kamalinia, M Alimohammadlou
Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118761, 2020
A novel fuzzy bayesian network-HFACS (FBN-HFACS) model for analyzing human and organization factors (HOFs) in process accidents
A Rostamabadi, M Jahangiri, E Zarei, M Kamalinia, S Banaee, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 132, 59-72, 2019
Health effects associated with shift work in 12-hour shift schedule among Iranian petrochemical employees
A Choobineh, A Soltanzadeh, H Tabatabaee, M Jahangiri, S Khavaji
International journal of occupational safety and ergonomics 18 (3), 419-427, 2012
Validity assessment of the Persian version of the Nordic Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50): A case study in a steel company
Y Yousefi, M Jahangiri, A Choobineh, H Tabatabaei, S Keshavarzi, ...
Safety and health at work 7 (4), 326-330, 2016
A neuro-fuzzy risk prediction methodology for falling from scaffold
M Jahangiri, HRJ Solukloei, M Kamalinia
Safety science 117, 88-99, 2019
Evaluation of the safety conditions of shiraz university of medical sciences educational hospitals using safety audit technique.
NM Amin, J Mahdi, A Parvin, ZD Forough
Payavard Salamat 6 (1), 2012
Occupational stressors among firefighters: application of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) Techniques
F Rajabi, H Molaeifar, M Jahangiri, S Taheri, S Banaee, P Farhadi
Heliyon 6 (4), 2020
Health risk assessment of chemical pollutants in a petrochemical complex.
F Golbabaie, D Eskandari, M Azari, M Jahangiri, A Rahimi, J Shahtaheri
Iran occupational health 9 (3), 2012
A novel integrated approach for ranking solar energy location planning: a case study
A Mostafaeipour, M Qolipour, M Rezaei, M Jahangiri, A Goli, A Sedaghat
Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology 19 (3), 698-720, 2021
The evaluation of heat stress through monitoring environmental factors and physiological responses in melting and casting industries workers
H Dehghan, SB Mortazavi, MJ Jafari, MR Maracy, M Jahangiri
International Journal of Environmental Health Engineering 1 (1), 21, 2012
Individual cognitive factors affecting unsafe acts among Iranian industrial workers: An integrative meta-synthesis interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach
M Shakerian, M Jahangiri, M Alimohammadlou, M Nami, A Choobineh
Safety Science 120, 89-98, 2019
Experimental investigation of the chemical reduction of nitrate ion in aqueous solution by Mg/Cu bimetallic particles
B Ramavandi, SB Mortazavi, G Moussavi, A Khoshgard, M Jahangiri
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 102 (2), 313-329, 2011
Preparation of a new adsorbent from activated carbon and carbon nanofiber (AC/CNF) for manufacturing organic-vacbpour respirator cartridge
M Jahangiri, J Adl, SJ Shahtaheri, A Rashidi, A Ghorbanali, H Kakooe, ...
Iranian journal of environmental health science & engineering 10, 1-8, 2013
The adsorption of benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX) on the carbon nanostructures: the study of different parameters
M Jahangiri, SJ Shahtaheri, J Adl, A Rashidi, H Kakooei, ...
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 20 (4a), 1036-1045, 2011
Prevalence of self-reported work-related illness and injuries among building construction workers, Shiraz, Iran
MD Jazari, M Jahangiri, H Khaleghi, N Abbasi, S Hassanipour, ...
EXCLI journal 17, 724, 2018
The assessment of noise exposure and noise annoyance at a petrochemical company
S Farhang Dehghan, MR Monazzam, P Nassiri, Z Haghighi Kafash, ...
Journal of health and safety at work 3 (3), 11-24, 2013
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Articles 1–20